Wednesday Check In

Morning P2/3,

We hope your week is going well so far! It’s so good it has still stayed dry. It’s been lovely to hear from so many of you through emails and comments on the blog posts. We have both been very busy again since we last posted. Here is what we have been up to.

I had a great week and long weekend and to top it off it was my birthday on Saturday. It  was a great day with lots of lovely surprises. I got a surprise afternoon tea which was delicious. My family all decorated the house for me and bought me lovely presents and beautiful flowers. I had 2 family zoom calls and lots of calls and messages from my friends which was lovely. People make a big effort during lockdown birthdays! We have played lots of games, including Uno and cards. We got a slip and slide for the garden so Sam, Beth and Zack have been having loads of fun on that. They created their own one first and then we agreed to buy them one that stretches the full garden. I might have a shot too if the weather gets hotter again! Beth and I baked Paradise Slice which was delicious. Zack loves bouncing on the trampoline so I have been on it lots with him, it is a great workout! Zack and I  used stones to write his spelling words which he really enjoyed doing.  I also enjoyed celebrating VE Day with all the other Fenwick Staff during an afternoon video call.


Mrs Eccleston has had a busy week too, she baked with the girls for our VE Day afternoon tea. The girls wanted to try and make cake pops and blueberry pancakes. The blueberry pancakes reminded them of something from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ as when you bit into them the blueberries exploded in your mouth! They tried on new face masks and went dog walking and cycling. They also had fun in the paddling pool and had a competition to see who could make the longest daisy chain! They enjoyed being outside in the garden over the holiday weekend playing cards, badminton, swing ball and word association games. This week they are back into a routine of school work and work.

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Check In”

    1. Hello Emily
      Hope you and your family are well. It looks like the sun will be shining today so lots of opportunities to play outside. Have a good day. From Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum

    2. Hello Emily
      We miss you all too. That’s great you have been out riding your pony. I am just about to take the dog for a walk. Hope you have a good day.
      From Mrs Eccleston

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