Learning Grid 11th May

We hope you have had a good weekend. Have a look at the Learning Grid below with suggested activities to try.

There are related links to worksheets that you may wish to print. These also have answer sheets with them. Choose the level that suits you or try a harder level to challenge yourself.

I hope you enjoy the Twiggle story and investigating the ice. Good luck with the 500 mile challenge!

Have fun! From Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum

P2 p3 Weekly Grid- 11.5.20

Capacity Lesson 1

Capacity lesson 1 answers

capacity lesson 2

capacity lesson 2 answers

Count in tens lesson 1

Count in tens lesson 1 answers

Active spelling cards




12 thoughts on “Learning Grid 11th May”

    1. Hi Gracie,

      Lovely to hear from you. We hope you are doing okay? We know you will be missing your friends but I am sure you will have been chatting to some of them on the phone. I love your list of things which make you calm, cuddles are the best calming medicine! I have been enjoying drawing and colouring with Zack and Beth to, it is great to relax you.
      We hope to hear from you again soon,

      Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston x

      1. Hi from Casey,

        Thanks for update and activity sheets, Casey is enjoying doing them all.
        Casey has had a busy week! She has done some school work and loved the story with Twiggle and his friends! Casey has now completed her walking challenge as we go out for walks every day, she now wants her own fit bit so she can keep it up. She has been doing lots of jigsaws, puzzles and is still beating everyone at dominoes!
        She is missing everyone at school loads!

        1. Hello
          I am glad you enjoyed the Twiggle story and that you are still the dominoes champion in your house. That’s great you are enjoying walking and keeping fit.
          Jigsaws are a lovely calming activity to participate in. Have a great weekend. From Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum

  1. Good morning from Amelia. Thank you for my school work. I have already been out my walk this morning and have walked 1 mile for Mrs Davidson HT challenge.

    1. Morning Amelia,

      Well done you! It is a good challenge to get everyone exercising lots. Although I know you are out walking lots with mum and the dogs so you will manage it no problem! Enjoy your week and we look forward to hearing from you again soon.

      Mrs McCallum & Mrs Eccleston x

  2. Hi Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston,
    I do a 4km cycle every day, I ride my pony and look after our hens, ducks and vegetable garden. I also fit in my school work.
    I miss you.
    Love Emily R.

    1. Hi Emily,
      It is so lovely to hear from you. Well done you managing a 4km bike ride everyday, we are so pleased to hear you are still keeping fit. Riding your pony, looking after the ducks, hens and vegetable garden must keep you busy everyday and trying to fit in all your school work too! Well done for managing everything. We hope you and your family are all well and we miss you and everyone in P2/3 too. Hopefully we will get to see you all again soon.
      Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston x

  3. Good morning from Elvie, I hope everyone is doing well.
    everyday i do this to keep me busy-
    1. playing lego
    2. cards
    3. drawing
    4. learning how to ride my bike
    5. trampoline
    6. baking with my sister

    love Elvie

    1. Morning Elvie,

      It’s so lovely to hear from you! I hope you and your family and keeping well and you and your sister are having lots of fun together. I’m so pleased to hear all the things you do to keep you busy everyday. We have been doing lots of drawing, baking and playing on the trampoline in our house too. Well done you for learning to ride your bicycle, that’s a great achievement.

      Looking forward to hearing from you again soon,

      Love Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston x

    1. Morning Emily,

      Hope your day is going well today. It’s not as sunny today as it was yesterday but still pleased it’s dry!

      Speak soon,

      Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston x

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