Hello from Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston

Hi Primary 2/3,

We hope you are all doing really well and managing to keep yourselves busy. We have been trying really hard too and got up to lots of things over the past week.

Mrs McCallum has celebrated Beth’s 10th birthday with her, baked, cycled, played monopoly, played family games on the Switch,  walked, kept fit with Jo Wicks, played balloon pop with Zack and Words with Friends with my mum. I have also been keeping really busy helping Sam, Zack and Beth with all their school work too!

Mrs Eccleston has been busy walking her dog, baking, painting outside, creating natural art, kept fit with Jo Wicks, played family games and helping Alistair, Ruby and Isla with all their school work too.

Here are some photos of what we have been getting up to.

Take care P2/3 we are missing you all. 😊