Hello P2/3

Morning P2/3, we hope you are all staying safe and looking after everyone in your family. Remember to help at home and do some jobs – make your bed, tidy your room, help to empty the dishwasher.

David Walliams is reading books everyday to children, maybe you would like to listen to some of his stories. I think you would all find him funny!



Take care. 😊

6 thoughts on “Hello P2/3”

  1. Good morning from Amelia. I read The Clever Rabbit book yesterday and did Mrs Ecclestons maths on Education City. For PE I took my puppy out for a walk and jumped on my trampoline. I am missing you and all my class friends.

    1. Well done Amelia, pleased to hear you are reading lots and doing exercise with your puppy. Stay safe. 😊

  2. Morning. I’ve tried logging in to giglets and elvies details are not recognised. school code: fenwickps username: elvie.donovan password: fenwickpl

    1. Well done Harriet and Henry, so pleased to hear you are helping around the house. Hope you are all doing well. 😊

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