Primary 2/3 are Successful, Confident Learners

Hello Primary 2/3,

We are super proud of all you have achieved this year in school and in your home learning. Well done Amelia for being a daily winner in the SumDog contestπŸ† .

You have all shown resilience in meeting the new challenges lockdown has brought. Hopefully in August we will see a return to a more β€˜normal’ school day. Thank you for sharing your work, comments and emails. We have really missed you all and it meant a lot to us to be able to connect with you through them. Have a well deserved break over the summer. Happy Holidays!! πŸ˜ƒπŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€πŸŒžπŸ˜€
Love Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum

Thank you


How wonderful to see all your smiling faces. We miss you all so much and we have loved teaching you. Thank you for such a thoughtful idea. W e will print this and frame it for our classroom.

Love Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum

Last Weekly Update

Well P2/3 what can we say, this is the very last update you will get from us. We have loved having you in P2/3 and wish you all lots of luck in P3 & P4.

Have an amazing summer with your families and we hope you enjoy lots of adventures!

We will see you all in August. 😊

I have had a busy week, it was Neil’s birthday on Father’s Day so it was a double celebration for him! We had a great day with some visitors popping round for a socially distant garden visit between the rain showers. Zack and I played giant jenga and also a chefs game. We bought Neil boules so we all enjoyed playing those as a family. Our neighbours made him a delicious chocolate topped cheesecake and sang happy birthday over the fence. We ordered sushi again, it was delicious. Zack and Beth enjoyed playing in the rain! It was so warm and they enjoyed getting soaked! πŸ’¦β˜”οΈ Beth had her Brownie Zoom call and made a β€˜cake in a mug’ it was delicious. Zack used the stampers you all used in class to stamp out his tricky words for school. We set up our table tennis table and had a family tournament. I was out first. I’m rubbish at it! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Zack and I made a Venn Diagram with hula hoops and objects. It was good fun. He used the bingo stampers to stamp out in 2’s on a hundred square.


Mrs Eccleston has been busy too-

We have been on lots of dog walks and have enjoyed seeing all the beautiful colours in nature. Ruby and Isla made a cake for their dad’s birthday and we celebrated with some of our family in the garden. For Father’s Day we made pancakes and strawberries. We have also been playing games in the garden, in between the rain showers, and painting stones. Ruby has been practising lots of gymnastics and Isla has been practising her guitar. Alistair enjoyed meeting up with a friend to play football and we’ve all been busy with work so we are looking forward to a break in the holidays. Enjoy your last school week of summer term.


Prize Giving

The final week of term is here for all pupils at Fenwick Primary.

Check our School Updates Page to view our β€˜Virtual Prize Giving’

We would like to say a huge well done to the pupils who have received awards this year but also to every single pupil in Primary 2/3 for all your amazing efforts in 2019/20. We have enjoyed watching you all grow with us over the past academic year and wish you lots of luck in P3 & P4! We are so proud of you all.


happy cute kids win game gold trophy

Uploading Work


On the β€˜Learning Grid’ for this week it says to upload your work in your e- portfolio. As you don’t have e-portfolio set up yet in P2, can you continue to email us your work as normal.

Thank you and enjoy your last week of learning! We hope this weather gets better! 

Successful and Confident learners

What a super week you’ve had showing us all your skills and knowledge through your work online and by completing the tasks set. Well done on accessing Microsoft TEAMS. This is where you will find your learning grid posted for our last week of school. We can’t believe it’s nearly the end of term, it certainly has been a memorable year. Today East Ayrshire’s Sum Dog competition starts so remember to log in and try some questions. Good luck.

Thank you for sharing your work and have a great weekend.

Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum



Important Teams Information


We have been working hard setting up Microsoft Teams for each class so that this can be used as the platform on which all teachers will be uploading learning grids and related resources.
This is something which we intend to use in August as part of our blended learning approach. For this reason we felt it was important for each child to be able to access Microsoft Teams to familiarise themselves with how to view the resources uploaded by their class teacher.
Please note: No work has to be uploaded to Teams. All finished work by pupils should still be shared in the same way as we have been doing – by uploading to E-portfolios or alternatively by e-mail to the class teacher (where there are difficulties uploading to E-portfolios).
An e-mail has been sent to every pupil today providing them with a unique code which they require to access their own class Team. A pupil and parent β€˜how to’ guide has also been included in this e-mail (this can be viewed by clicking below).

Microsoft Teams β€˜how to’ for pupils and families PDF

Weekly Update

Morning boys and girls,

We hope you are all still keeping well and enjoying the sunshine with your families. We are still missing you all lots. We hope things will start to ease off for you all over the summer holidays and you will be able to play with your friends again soon. Mrs Eccleston and I have been busy again with our families over the past week.

We have been going lots of family cycles again and found places in Kilmarnock we didn’t know existed! Beth has been practicing her trumpet lots (our ears are sore in this house!) We have enjoyed playing family games and have started playing dominoes and Uno lots. These are games we can all join in with. Zack has been learning to count in 5’s and we did a hunt around the garden where he found all the numbers and then had to order them. We had a family movie night and watched the new Trolls movie, if you haven’t seen it I think you would all love it. It was a great movie. We have been playing Donkey lots with a ball in the garden and even took it out our nightly walk. We walked and play at the same time. That was fun! Sam had some forensic work to do for school, we all enjoyed making our own finger prints and dusting footprints with cocoa powder. Zack has been practicing his football skills lots recently. We have been learning the life cycle of a frog and made a frog life cycle wheel.

Mrs Eccleston has been really busy too:

This week we have been busy with lots of school work but we had a lovely opportunity to meet up with family in the garden at the weekend. Alistair, Isla and Ruby also had the chance to each meet up with one of their friends. It is so great to be able to see people again. Isla built a Den for part of her guide camp which she slept in and he made banana and chocolate chip muffins. We’ve been enjoying seeing all the flowers coming out in the garden which have been attracting the bees and we’ve been playing some garden games. There have been some beautiful sunsets when we have been going a walk with Rocky. We tried to dye Ruby’s hair pink at the end but it didn’t work very well. Hope you are all enjoying being outdoors in the sunshine.

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