All posts by Joanne McKay

ECC update

We are delighted to be joined by Trish Howie, from East Ayrshire Council’s TAP Team. The Teacher Access Programme Team provide support and guidance to all ECC’s in East Ayrshire.

Trish will be in the Centre  with us until the Christmas holidays. Her usual days in the Centre will be Monday and Tuesday.

We also have Carys Cuthbert joining us from The University of the West of Scotland. Carys will begin her placement on Monday the 4th of November and finish on Friday the 29th of November.

We are very much looking forward to working with both Trish and Carys over the coming weeks.

Dress Down Day

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This Friday 1st of November is a dress down day for Fenwick Primary school and ECC.

ECC children are welcome to dress in their play clothes.

Rather than a donation of a £1 for dress down, we are asking for bottle donations for the Christmas Fayre.

Please note, any donations containing alcohol should be handed in by an adult to Joanne or to the main office.


Lunch Menus 2024 – 2025

Please find the new lunch menus attached for session 2024 – 2025.

If your child has a dietary preference/ requirement we will issue you with personalised menus in the next few days.

If menu items change we will inform parents via the Safer Schools Scotland App.

This weeks menu choices will be from week 1.

If you have any questions please contact the Centre.

Thank you.

Early Years Lunch Menu 24-25 Week 1

Early Years Lunch Menu 24-25 Week 2

Early Years Lunch Menu 24-25 Week 3

Learning Journals

*Information for children who are moving into Primary 1*

Over your child’s time in the ECC we have documented their learning journey and key events on their individual Learning Journal.

Unfortunately this is a platform used in the ECC and not in Primary 1, therefore their journal will be deactivated on the 30th of August 2024.

Please use the time between now and then to save any photographs from their Learning Journal that you would like to keep for your records.

Please speak to Joanne or your child’s Key Worker if you require your password for learning Journals to be reset.

In Primary 1 you will be able to visit the Primary 1 class blog on GLOW to keep up to date with your child’s learning.

Potted Sports

Everyone had a super time at Potted Sports yesterday. The P5/6 buddies did an amazing job of planning and delivering exciting stations for the children to take part in.

Everyone received a certificate and medal, specially made for them by their Buddy, to take home.

Thank you to Mrs Wilson, Mrs Murphy and all of the pupils from Primary 5 and Primary 6 for planning such a great afternoon.