ECC Feedback from Parent/Carer Survey

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our recent Parent/Carer survey.

The results are below.

You Said: We Did:
100% of our responses feel our children experience warmth, caring and nurturing approaches to support their overall well being.  
100% of our responses feel our practice by staff reflects families’ personal preference and promotes children’s independence, privacy and dignity.  
95% of our responses feel that where our children require support with personal care, interactions throughout are warm, caring and nurture children’s security, confidence and positive relationships. 5% are unsure. We will continue to ensure that we discuss with parents/carers how we support children and explain how we support with personal care.  We will also send out information on our newsletter detailing our procedures.
79% of our responses are aware that fresh water is available throughout the day. We will add photos to our newsletter and to Learning Journal of the water available in the Playroom and outdoors.
42% of our responses were aware that safety and emotional security and well being are supported through sensitive arrangements for sleep routines. Information will be added to the newsletter detailing the procedures for children who require sleep.
36% strongly agree and 64% agree that children’s overall wellbeing is supported through effective use of personal planning, taking account of the wellbeing indicators.  
47% of responses felt that where medication is required that it is delivered in a safe and sensitive manner.  53% are unsure. We will ensure all Parents/Carers are aware of our medication policy and procedures.  We will do this by ensuring it is available on our website and by providing information on our newsletter.
95% of responses feel that staff work proactively with children, families and other professionals to identify next steps and strategies based on individual needs and prior learning.  5% are unsure. We will ensure we inform Parents/Carers of the agencies we work with to ensure all individual needs are met.


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