ECC Feedback from Improvement Priorities

Thank you to everyone who took the time recently to complete the survey on our current Improvement Priorities.  This will enable us to identify any areas of development for the next session.

You Said: We Did:
60% responded that you were aware of our rationale.  You also felt it was of benefit to the children. We re-sent our rationale out via the APP twice and put on the blog.  It is also on display in the cloakroom area.
100% responded that they were aware of at least one important document in Early Years and 100% responded that staff were aware of all documents. We took part in an Improvement Priority Session for the ECC and School where Mrs McKillop discussed the important guidance and the National Practice with Parents/Carers.
100% responded that they were aware we have a refreshed Vision, Values and Aims and 10% responded that they were aware we attend a whole school and ECC monthly Assembly. On our dates for your diary section of the newsletter we add the Assembly date.  However, we will make it clear that this is for the ECC children joining with the school and add photos and descriptions of what happens.
100% responded that they were aware the ECC embeds the UNCRC principles (rights of the child) We will continue to embed the rights of the child and use these in our newsletters to allow Parents/Carers the opportunity to discuss these at home.
60% responded that they were aware that staff have taken part in Nurture, Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences training. We will inform Parents/Carers via the newsletter of training that staff have been involved in.
100% responded that Learning Journals and GLOW is used as a means of communication. We will continue to use these.  With the change of the APP, we have been told verbally that the blog is becoming more useful.

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