All posts by Lee-Anne

Technology to scaffold learning

Scaffolding our learning with technology

The children explored new ways to build on their drawing skills by following spoken instructions and step by step illustrations to complete fun pictures. 

Some of the children engaged well and seemed to enjoy the challenge. They learned how to make their pictures appear 3 dimensional and which strategies help to keep your drawing in proportion.

“I can’t do it”

”Mine is rubbish”

We are going to support the children in showing pride in their abilities, skills, achievements and qualities.

The Promethean board can also be a fantastic mathematical resource to engage children in counting using 1:1 correspondence.

“He needs 9 cakes”

Spell binding potions

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

“I poured mine all the way to the top”

Potion power has taken over our tuff tray. There has been a real buzz around the coloured water; we have been colour mixing, sprinkling glitter and sequins and adding gruesome bugs to make the most magical potions.

Pouring from various sizes of containers. (Jugs, test tubes,  cups  ladles and cauldrons)

Colour prediction and volume exploration.


Super Hero Fashion Designers

The children took on the role of super heroes fashion designers. We recycled old bedding/fabric to design and make role play super hero costumes for the playroom.

There was measuring, cutting and drawing patterns with markers.

The children modelled their finished creations.

Pumpkin science

Pumpkins have been extremely popular indoors and outdoors. The children explored all the parts of a pumpkin learning the words for the seeds, pulp, skin. The children discussed their sense of smell and touch while chopping and scooping.

The torches helped to light up the inside.


We used golf tees as pretend nails to tap into pumpkins with real tools. All the children enjoyed it so much they requested the same activity for the next day too.

The Pumpkin theme kept going at the play dough station. The children chose bright orange play dough. We used scented oils to add to the sensory experience. Pipe cleaners made fantastic stalks to pop on top.

Shadow monsters

  1. The torches have proven to be very popular in the deep dark playroom. John James noticed he could make a shadow dinosaur using his hand in front of the torch light. “Dinosaur….roar roar”

Hallie made monsters too.

We made a spooky den to use our torches in.

Autumn adventures

Following the children’s interest in the changes occurring in Autumn we decided to go on an impromptu walk around the Bellfield estate.

The children each took a bag to collect any items of interest relating to Autumn.

Ont the way we spotted some things that were not safe to touch.

“They look like fairy houses” “I think they look like fairy shields”

We were very lucky to meet the lollipop men outside of our nursery. They helped us to cross 2 roads safely. There were big high fives all round.

We then saw Mark one of the janitors. The children were very excited to show him their Autumnal treasures. 🌿🍁🍂🍃

October planning

1st October 2021

Following many of the children’s interests we have planned a very busy month ahead.

Foraging on woodland walks has been a highlight for all of the children. As we make our way through Autumn the children have been fascinated with the changes to the trees, bushes and weather.

Heather in the Willow room has kindly made up treasure bags for all of the children in the centre. The hope is you have fun exploring together with your child. Enjoy the conversation and share your experiences with us.


We have explored “Goldilocks and the three bears” and “The three Billy Goats Gruff”. There has been some role play around the story of the “three little pigs”. We intend to continue supporting their love and interest in these familiar stories. Introducing the concept of sequencing and ordering significant events in stories.

The role of people that help us

There has been lots of questions and curiosity around various jobs that people in the community do. From their play with babies they have shown an interest in doctors and nurses.

There have also been spontaneous conversations around “who is going to fix the toilet?”. The janitor came to look at a faulty flush and said he needed to call a plumber. This has really excited and sparked questions and discussions.

Sharing our feelings

The emotional well being of the children has been of the up most importance since returning in August. They are able to recognise particular emotions and with support we aim to give the children the tools to regulate these ever changing emotions.

Developing independence and self help skills

The children have been given the opportunity to access scissors independently within the playroom. They are aware of the importance of caring the scissors safely and returning them to their designated cup when not in use. We are extremely proud of all of the children following the safety rules and becoming independent individuals.

Following the success of the access to scissors we have introduced a self serve painting station.

Child M is demonstrating how to prepare her apron and collect her paint, brush and paper before becoming creative outdoors.

The painting station is a big hit with all of the children.

The pump action recycled hand wash bottles are the perfect size for little hands to dispense the appropriate amount of paint for each piece of artwork.

Child C spent a great deal of time mixing his colours. Which led to detailed conversations about what colours he would make.

Child J became excited to share a “rainbow” he created by mixing his paint.

Child N concentrated very hard to successfully hang her completed painting up to dry using a washing line and pegs. “I do it myself”

Foraging and exploring nature

Spontaneous learning

On Thursday morning the Lion and Orangutan groups decided to go out a walk in the woods to bring back interesting materials. The children picked different coloured berries to make paint with. We found bugs during our forage, which caused lots of excitement.

The children helped to mash the berries until they were liquid. We added water to make it into paint.

Retelling familiar stories

Goldilocks and the three bears 🐻

All of the children could retell the key parts in the story. They particularly enjoyed using wooden beds, chairs and real porridge oats.

Child C made up an alternative ending to the story. In which Mummy bear jumps on the house roof and then rides away in the car.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Following the children’s interest in story telling. They began to use the old wooden bridge in the garden as a role play story telling area.

Child M used the story book as a guide, she matched the wooden characters to their equivalent in the book.

“We need a bridge for the troll” “These blocks can be a bridge”

The small bridge was not big enough. “Make a big bridge” The children used construction skills to build a strong bridge and they then practiced their balance and coordination to cross over without help.

The children decided to put on a show with an audience. They tried hard to agree who would play which character. Most children could retell what the Troll said at the bridge and a few were able to perfectly act out the roles of each Goat and the Troll.