All posts by Mrs Deans


We are going to be planting from seed over the next few weeks.  We hope to plant some flowers, herbs and vegetables that the children can help to care for and watch grow from a seed to something edible,something we can use in our play daily or something we can enjoy looking at that will help to brighten or garden!

To help develop our garden area any donations of seeds, plants, pots/planters, gardening tools or compost would be greatly appreciated or anything else you have lying around that you think would help to enhance our garden area for the children.

Also please could you save any yoghurt pots and send them our way for us to plant our sunflowers.

Thankyou in advance

Team Chestnut!




We are  beginning to put pictures on the wall within our room  and are looking for more frames to allow us to add more.

If you have any unused/old picture frames at home that we could have they would be gratefully received!

Also we have a few pictures of some of our families but if you would like to provide us with a family picture we can add this to our wall.

Thanks in advance all the chestnut ladies x

Christmas concert

On Thursday 9th December we will be filming our Christmas sing a long. If possible could your child please wear something festive eg jumper,dress, shirt, hair accessory or even some tinsel. If possible could you please provide a scarf that your child could wear for one of our songs on the day.

Hamper raffle tickets are now on sale from front office £2 per strip can be bought from main office window between 8-9.30am and 1.15-1.45pm.

Friday 10th: Christmas jumper day.

Important dates: Wednesday 15th  Christmas party (chestnut room) children can wear party clothes if you wish.

16 or 17th December special person outdoor visit

20 or 21st McDougalls virtual show.


Spare clothes

As per previous post our garden area has been wet and muddy recently due to the weather. We are going through quite a lot of changes of clothes each day if your child has borrowed some spares from the ECC please could you return these to us as we have no spares left and if you have any old clothes items that no longer fit your child we would appreciate any clothing donations. (we are especially short of trousers age 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6 years)

Please could you provide a full set of spare clothes in a plastic carrier bag to be kept within the ECC for when required.

Outdoor play

Within the ECC we access outdoors on a daily basis no matter the weather. Due to the amount of rain recently the garden at some areas can be quite muddy and muddy puddles are a huge attraction to the children!

Please could you ensure your child has a suitable warm waterproof jacket that will potentially get wet/muddy  and suitable footwear for both indoor and outdoor play.

We would encourage the children’s footwear to be suitable for the children to independently put on/take off by themselves as it can be very time consuming if staff are required to put on/off children’s footwear several times a day.

Lastly could we please encourage you to provide a change of clothes for your child/children as we are very short of spare clothes within the ECC and despite our best efforts and the use of a limited number of waterproof trousers children’s clothes do still get wet/muddy during times of outdoor learning

Loose parts

We are always looking to enhance the opportunity for learning and natural curiosity within the ECC we are currently looking for donations of the following items to develop areas within the ECC and outdoors.

old mobile phones.
old laptops.
picture frames.
Costume jewellery.
old suit jackets.
voil fabric
pots and pans
kitchen utensils

Any items would be greatly appreciated and will be beneficial in your child’s learning.