All posts by Claire

W/B 14/02/22


We had a fun week in the chestnut room. We looked at pattern and worked very hard to create our own patterns. We planted lovely plants for our garden and learned what our plants needs to grow. We enjoyed playing ring games and enjoyed a walk to our local shop.

Loose parts / Transient art

This week in the in the chestnut room we have enjoyed making a loose part discovery area. The children have enjoyed investigating the area and have loved making transient art.

The benefits of loose parts play:

* Stimulates sensory perception.
* Awakens a sense old discovery.
* Promotes a range of complex play.
* Ignites creativity and imagination.
* Develops language and vocabulary.
* Strengthens fine motor skills.
* Sparks children’s own ideas and theories.
* Develops numeracy skills.

Road safety 🚦 🛑

The children in the Chestnut room have been enjoying learning about road safety.  We watched a video on road safety and the correct way to cross the road.

We also made traffic lights.

”Cars will hit us”

“We have to wait for the green man.”

“We don’t run”

” I found the green light”

We spoke about the ways  that we can cross the road safety with help from others.

”The lollipop man helps me in the morning when coming to nursery”

“I hold my mummy’s hand when crossing the road”

“ I press the button for the green man”

The children made a lollipop sign and enjoyed pretending to be a lollipop man/lady  We went into the car park at the zebra crossing and enjoyed helping our friends cross the road safety.

“ It’s black and white stripes”

”I’m the lollipop man”

”Don’t run “


A busy week in the chestnut room 31/01/22

We have had a busy week in the Chestnut room.

We enjoyed playing The  little orchard game. The children loved this game. The children were all very good at waiting their turn and they all worked together to help each other.


“ I love this game”

“I won! I won!”

“ I got the  Cherry 🍒 “

The children enjoyed exploring digital technology this week. We set up the laptop and the children looked at letter sounds and written numerals. We looked at letters within our name and we typed out our names on the laptop and printed them out.

“ look I did my name”

” I found my age 4”

“ I found A it’s in my name”

” Can I do my second name?”


While at nursery the weather changed and it got very dark and all of sudden the hailstones started. The children all watched from the windows and found it very interesting. We decided to go and collect some of the snow  from our garden. The children loved exploring and playing with the snow.

“It’s cold”

“ It feels soft”

“ It came from the sky”

” when the sun comes out it will melt and turn to water”

We have also been very busy this week taking part in doing our pictures for Dunelm, the theme is Love 💗 The children have all worked very hard and we can’t wait to see all our fantastic pictures on display.

“I love my mummy “

”I have 10  love heart s on my picture 💗 “

”My dad is going to love my picture”


Fun in the chestnut room

This week we have been having fun mixing colours.

“I made purple and green”  “ I love painting”  “ I made red”

We went a walk around our local community to see if we could recognise any letter sounds within our name and if we can identify any numerals.

“ I can see the letter A this is in my name”

“There are lots of letters and numbers at the bus stop”

“ I can see my age 4”

Today we enjoyed painting with forks. The children used lots of different mathematical language and we also looked at pattern.

“ I made a big, long line”

“ The lines are all the same”

“ My fork has four lines on it”

We enjoyed a tea party.

“This is fun”

”A wee cup of tea”

“My tea is yummy”

We made faces with our snack today.

”This is my sister”

”I made my dad”

“Look at my funny face”

Christmas fun in the chestnut room.

This week in the chestnut room we have had lots of fun making lots of Christmas crafts 🎄

“We made some yummy shortbread .”

We made gingerbread and cinnamon play dough. And some of the children decided to make gingerbread men.

“The  play dough smells of cakes”   “ I made a gingerbread man”

The children have been enjoying learning about symmetry. We made    Christmas trees and we spoke about how the two sides are the exactly the same when the card is folded over .

“It’s the same”

”look at my tree”

We used lots of different collage materials to decorate our Christmas jumpers.

We had a very special visit from the Elf! He came into our garden to say hello to everyone. We all enjoyed our visit 😀

W/B 22/11/21

We have had a busy week in the chestnut room this week. Some of the children made lovely  kindness snowflakes with a lovely message    on them these are displayed at the front door of the ECC .

The boys and girls collected lots of stick from the woods last week and we took them back to the nursery to do some whittling. We are going to make a lovely Christmas tree with all the sticks that we collected. The children are all very excited to get started on our Christmas tree and show everyone our finished tree  🎄


The children have took an interest in learning about  sequencing and pattern. The children have enjoyed playing a few games to help develop their knowledge about pattern and sequencing. We are going to take this forward over the next few weeks and incorporate it into our Christmas planning and activities.

We also enjoyed baking scones this week.The children loved baking and at snack time we got taste the amazing scones we baked.

”These taste yummy”    “ I bake cakes with my mummy “

”I am mixing it all up”     “I love scones”

”we need to add butter”  The butter feels cold”



Can we please remind parent/carers that due to Covid regulations that we cannot accept children’s backpacks into the ECC . If your child needs to bring in a change of clothes these can be brought in and staff will then place them into their child’s drawstring bag that stays in the ECC .

Thank you for your cooperation.

Lost nursery jumper

Can all parents/ carers please check that their child has the correct green nursery jumpers at home. We have a missing jumper aged 2-3 the child’s name is on the label. If your child has taken it home by mistake please can you return it to the ECC.

Thank you.