Sunshine, construction and bug hunting.

Construction indoors has been extremely popular big towers turned into giant towers.

Outdoors saw tea parties, with real coffee, tea and hot chocolate.


The children became extremely excited after finding a number of insects in the nursery garden.

”I’m going to call her flower”

A little ladybug landed on a little ladybug group child.

”I’m collecting slaters…. I have 10”

Under the log slices were the best bug houses.

Clay modelling with sticks, stones and leaves proved popular.

We reused the left over sweetcorn from lunch. There was lots of conversations, filling and emptying and sweetcorn castles.

Margaret got her daily exercise in with many many wheelbarrow rides.

Duck duck goose before lunch

“Chilling in the sunshine

Mark making with chalk

Painting curtains

Boys designing their house before the big build

Constructing tracks for cars. “We need to make a bridge”

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