Our week of fun

More play dough making

We had lots of help preparing snack

The children took care using a knife to cut the bananas for their friends.

Feelings wheels

The children assembled their own emotion wheel. They had the opportunity to talk about each colour monster and associated feelings. The children can now access their wheels anytime throughout the session.



Loose parts indoors 

The children have been accessing our newly developed loose part area regularly. They have also helped tidy every item correctly. This allows the children experiences to sort and match items within a variety of size, shape, colour or by purpose.

Caring for our newly planted Heathers.

There was lots of buzz around the mobile phones and laptops. Some of the boys and girls  took telephone food order. “Can I have macaroni “ “do you have chocolate cake “

Spider hunting

We found lots of tiny baby spiders, then one of the boys found a big spider. Discussion turned to families, brothers, sisters and Mums and Dads. “This is the daddy spider and they are his babies”

Story telling

The children have been independently accessing our library and story corner. They have read to each other quietly.

Supporting our friends 

Some of the older preschool children helped our smaller children build their confidence balancing on the logs.

Outdoors was all about balancing, jumping and stepping. Building confidence and strength navigating large obstacles. The new logs have proven popular.

Loose part play has involved using large stones, the children independently named the rocks and called them baby rocks.


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