Fun in the chestnut room

This week we have been having fun mixing colours.

“I made purple and green”  “ I love painting”  “ I made red”

We went a walk around our local community to see if we could recognise any letter sounds within our name and if we can identify any numerals.

“ I can see the letter A this is in my name”

“There are lots of letters and numbers at the bus stop”

“ I can see my age 4”

Today we enjoyed painting with forks. The children used lots of different mathematical language and we also looked at pattern.

“ I made a big, long line”

“ The lines are all the same”

“ My fork has four lines on it”

We enjoyed a tea party.

“This is fun”

”A wee cup of tea”

“My tea is yummy”

We made faces with our snack today.

”This is my sister”

”I made my dad”

“Look at my funny face”

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