Christmas fun in the chestnut room.

This week in the chestnut room we have had lots of fun making lots of Christmas crafts 🎄

“We made some yummy shortbread .”

We made gingerbread and cinnamon play dough. And some of the children decided to make gingerbread men.

“The  play dough smells of cakes”   “ I made a gingerbread man”

The children have been enjoying learning about symmetry. We made    Christmas trees and we spoke about how the two sides are the exactly the same when the card is folded over .

“It’s the same”

”look at my tree”

We used lots of different collage materials to decorate our Christmas jumpers.

We had a very special visit from the Elf! He came into our garden to say hello to everyone. We all enjoyed our visit 😀

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