An eclectic week

Bathing babies

We explored our caring side by caring for the baby dolls. Everyone handled the dolls with care, gently bathing and drying them.


A bit of sparkle makes everything better

Glue, glitter and sequins kept the boys and girls busy for a long time.

Gym time

We are so lucky to have access to the school gym hall, all of the children love this treat and often request to visit daily. They have been developing their balance and control with a ball; throwing, kicking and rolling.

We love a sing song

The song box has proved popular lately; children take turns choosing a prop from inside the “song box” and singing the song which is represented by the prop.

Sorting and matching

The chestnut children love to organize and sort objects.

Sorting bears by colour.

Sorting and matching numbers.

Matching pairs with memory games.


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