Planting to produce and Farm to fork

Still life: Fruit

The children used the fruit basket as inspiration for oil pastel pictures.

Drawing around the fruit became popular.

Harvesting Potatoes 

Washing the potatoes

Boiling the potatoes

Chopping the potatoes

Cutting the spring onions and chives

Tasting our delicious potato salad

Caterpillars munched our Brussel sprout plant 🐛

The children were amazed at how many green caterpillars had set up home in the planter. We counted at least 22 little cuties. We plan to monitor them Dail to observe any changes.

Technology helps with research

Some of the boys wanted to find out what kind of caterpillars we had found, which then led to spiders, grasshoppers, beetles and then snakes. Their use of vocabulary was fantastic as they shared their knowledge.



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