Biscuits, birthdays and bugs…..not together obviously

Impromptu school visit

To ease a few of the anxieties around going to school, we took a walk around the primary one department. Miss Boyd kindly invited us into her classroom to join in with her pirate themed activities.

We met friends along the way.

Bugs are out in full force

The children have shown a keen interest in bug hunting. We lift tyres, logs, wood slices and pallets in the search for cool insects. Some of the boys think it is funny to chase the girls with their bugs, making the scream.

Biscuits to start the week

Some of the children helped Margaret to bake biscuits, they followed a simple recipe and then felt adventurous enough to add extra ingredients. The finished cookies were delicious.


We received a desktop computer with keyboard and mouse. The children were very excited to try it out. This helps develop their fine motor skills using a mouse and the ability to follow instructions with a keyboard.

Boys and their books

Busy birthday week

Jumpy has returned

The Green frog 🐸  group are over joyed. He was once lost and has now returned for squeeze cuddles.


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