Storytelling with art, drama and role-play

Our story of choice this week has been “The Gingerbread man”. The children drew around a template and cut out their men’s outline, before personalising him or her to their individual style. Some wore “backpacks, to go to school” some “Gingerbread guys” and others were up to date on modern technology, holding a mobile phone.

“Gingerbread man needs a phone so we can phone him!”

“That’s his wee legs”

Baking the Gingerbread man using play dough.

Our primary 6 buddies came back to visit.

Logan was very excited to see his big sister.

Our P6 buddies shared a story with us


“I love him, he’s my friend!”

Koa and Kyo’s Dad read the really funny story of “The dinosaur that pooped a planet”

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