Our bird watch continues

Choccie bird nests kicked Monday morning off to an exciting start. The children helped to melt chocolate and mix through dry cereal to imitate a bird’s nest. A marshmallow made the perfect egg for on top.

We were lucky enough to have access to the school on Tuesday. These little visits will help considerably in calming any nerves prior to moving onto Primary 1.

The children met Jackie one of our janitorial staff, they were impressed by her new machine to make the floors shiny.

We spotted some familiar names. “That’s my sister ”

There is always time to chill.

Our big bird watch continued. 

We went on nature walks to spot new species of birds.

Check out our gallery

Documenting our findings

The children drew a graph to show how many Crows, Seagulls, Magpies, Blackbirds and Robins we could spot.


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