Friends make us happy

We have prioritised emotions as our first topic of the term. There have been lots of changes in routine, family dynamics and friendship groups. We feel introducing the core emotions and why we feel a particular way will help all of the children regulate, manage and support each other through challenging emotions.

“I feel funny”

Acknowledging, that it is okay to feel angry or sad



Mirrors help us see what each emotion looks like on our faces.

Friends make our days brighter. There have been lots of new friendships blossoming this week.

Friends who love bugs.

Friends that love to play pretend. “I’m the Mummy and you’re the baby “

The Orangutans listened to the story of the Worry Monster. A snuggle from the monster definitely helped put smiles on some faces.


“Make you happy”

Our rights

The children helped to design our charter of rights. We made a wall display with all of our hands together with the quotes from the children. We discussed our right to be safe, to learn, to play, to rest and to have privacy.

The right to rest proved most popular.

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