Danger detectives

Risk assessing our environment

The children loved taking responsibility for removing any tiny pieces of glass the had accidentally fell into the mud kitchen after a glass pot lid smashed last week. We discussed the importance of keeping ourselves and others safe, not using our hands or fingers to pick up sharp objects. The Eagle eyes of my team pointed out littles pieces as soon as they had been found then an adult removed each piece safely. A couple of children solved this problem by picking up the chunks using a shovel or spoon which protected them from danger. Fantastic work team Chestnut

We used magnifying glasses to see the smallest most tiny pieces and picked them up using spoons and spades. “Don’t use your hands cause it could cut you” ” It’s sharp”

“I found one…..don’t touch it”

We loved helping and being responsible.

We have the right to play in a safe space.

“I found treasure”

I had the best helpers, their attention to detail and ability to find the smallest pieces of glass is fantastic.

We worked together as a team, helping our younger friends follow instructions safely.

We needed to get a closer look at all the tiny pieces of glass we had found.



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