Road safety 🚦 🛑

The children in the Chestnut room have been enjoying learning about road safety.  We watched a video on road safety and the correct way to cross the road.

We also made traffic lights.

”Cars will hit us”

“We have to wait for the green man.”

“We don’t run”

” I found the green light”

We spoke about the ways  that we can cross the road safety with help from others.

”The lollipop man helps me in the morning when coming to nursery”

“I hold my mummy’s hand when crossing the road”

“ I press the button for the green man”

The children made a lollipop sign and enjoyed pretending to be a lollipop man/lady  We went into the car park at the zebra crossing and enjoyed helping our friends cross the road safety.

“ It’s black and white stripes”

”I’m the lollipop man”

”Don’t run “


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