A busy week in the chestnut room 31/01/22

We have had a busy week in the Chestnut room.

We enjoyed playing The  little orchard game. The children loved this game. The children were all very good at waiting their turn and they all worked together to help each other.


“ I love this game”

“I won! I won!”

“ I got the  Cherry 🍒 “

The children enjoyed exploring digital technology this week. We set up the laptop and the children looked at letter sounds and written numerals. We looked at letters within our name and we typed out our names on the laptop and printed them out.

“ look I did my name”

” I found my age 4”

“ I found A it’s in my name”

” Can I do my second name?”


While at nursery the weather changed and it got very dark and all of sudden the hailstones started. The children all watched from the windows and found it very interesting. We decided to go and collect some of the snow  from our garden. The children loved exploring and playing with the snow.

“It’s cold”

“ It feels soft”

“ It came from the sky”

” when the sun comes out it will melt and turn to water”

We have also been very busy this week taking part in doing our pictures for Dunelm, the theme is Love 💗 The children have all worked very hard and we can’t wait to see all our fantastic pictures on display.

“I love my mummy “

”I have 10  love heart s on my picture 💗 “

”My dad is going to love my picture”


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