Retelling familiar stories

Goldilocks and the three bears 🐻

All of the children could retell the key parts in the story. They particularly enjoyed using wooden beds, chairs and real porridge oats.

Child C made up an alternative ending to the story. In which Mummy bear jumps on the house roof and then rides away in the car.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Following the children’s interest in story telling. They began to use the old wooden bridge in the garden as a role play story telling area.

Child M used the story book as a guide, she matched the wooden characters to their equivalent in the book.

“We need a bridge for the troll” “These blocks can be a bridge”

The small bridge was not big enough. “Make a big bridge” The children used construction skills to build a strong bridge and they then practiced their balance and coordination to cross over without help.

The children decided to put on a show with an audience. They tried hard to agree who would play which character. Most children could retell what the Troll said at the bridge and a few were able to perfectly act out the roles of each Goat and the Troll.

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