Please click on the link below to see just some of the photographs from our festive stay and play today, enjoy.
Please click on the link below to see just some of the photographs from our festive stay and play today, enjoy.
The children have been busy making wind catchers to take home. These can be used on Sunday at the Make Catrine Sparkle event if you choose to go along and join in the festivities.
Dear Parents / Carers
We are having a Christmas Bookbug and Christmas Craft Stay and Play Session on Thursday 8th December 9.00 – 10.00am. If you would like to attend please complete the booking form in the link below.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
From Monday 5th December, we will be selling magic squares for £1.00, to win our Christmas Eve box.
Also on sale will be raffle tickets at £1.00 a strip, for the chance to win a Christmas Hamper and other prizes.
If you would like to donate any unused gifts for the Raffle, that would be greatly appreciated.
Do you have any unused or outgrown Christmas jumpers and party wear?
Why not drop if off at the School or ECC before 30th November?
On Tuesday 15th November myself and Lesleyanne had the privilege of attending the CYPIC conference in Glasgow SEC where our video clip was presented showcasing Catrine ECC and our fabulously famous children 🙂
Scottish Government asked us to discuss some of the changes we have made so far whilst on our journey to becoming a Communication Friendly Environment with the collection of data and quality improvement methods in mind.
Below you can find the link to the video clip where you might see some familiar faces (Riccarton ECC appear first in the clip with Catrine following on a few minutes later)
Supporting Early Communication in East Ayrshire
Thank you to everyone that returned permission slips prior to filming.
Please follow the link below to find our newsletter for term 2
Huge thank you to Melanie from The Magpie Mel shop in Catrine for kindly donating dressing up clothes. The children will have so much fun with them and lots to choose from.
Have you been in for a look yet? It’s open on a Monday and Friday from 5 pm – 7 pm at the AM Brown institute Catrine.
The children have had a ball today exploring how fast/slow they can go adding water to our slide …. however this has resulted in some slighter wetter clothes upon our return back inside.
Lots of children have empty bags and clothes needing topped up.
Please continue to send clothes in so that experiences like these can continue.
Schools in East Ayrshire will be affected by Industrial Action by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) and the Association of Heads and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS) on Thursday 24th November 2022. At this stage we anticipate that all Early Childhood Centres will operate as normal.
Letter to parents-carers – Industrial Action – Thursday 24 November 2022