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P1 Registration

P1 Registration

Children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2024 and 28 February 2025 and whose parents/carers wish them to attend school should be registered for education during the week Monday 8 January 2024 until Friday 12 January 2024.  To register you should complete an online application and submit no later than Friday 12 January 2024.

 Register at: –

If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.

Stay and Play session – 16.11.23

Please complete the very short form below to book into our Stay and Play session.

This will be a chance for you and your child to explore our playrooms and outdoor environment together.

There will be no set focus for the day – simply quality time together, a chance to meet your child’s friends and participate in some of our learning experiences on offer.

November Parent Appointments

We are holding Parent Appointments at the end of the month for our PRE-SCHOOL children.

When we return to the ECC after the Christmas holidays you will be required to register your child for school. This is a legal requirement for all school aged children. Parent/carers must register their child AT THEIR CATCHMENT area school regardless of their preference. The application will then give you the option to complete a Placing Request form if you would like to apply to a different school, or to complete a deferred entry form should you wish to give your child an additional year at the ECC.

We understand that you may have questions you would like to ask before you make any final decisions and at this point staff can give further information on individual progress.

Please see below for dates and times allocated for each keyworker group and we ask that you phone the office on 01290 551233 to book a slot. If you are unable to attend in person we ask that you accept a phone call. As you will appreciate going forward, December is a very busy month within the ECC and it cannot be guaranteed that staff can be released from the floor on other days.

Monday 27th November

AM Carrie’s Caterpillars           PM Rena’s Butterflies

Tuesday 28th November

AM Michelle’s Bumblebees     PM Sherrie’s Sharks

Wednesday 29th November

PM Leoni’s Starfish

Thursday 30th November

AM Julie’s Jellyfish

Alana Speirs

Depute Manager