Good morning everyone, I have attached a link below to take you to a powerpoint today, ‘Feeling sad, Feeling bad’. We always encourage the children in the ECC to discuss their emotions, What emotion are you feeling? Why do you think you are feeling like this? What could help to make you feel better? and Who could you talk to? Please take 10 minutes to have a wee look and just enjoy the conversation with your child. Have a great day ♥
Forky Morrison
Looks like there has been a new edition to the Morrison family this week.
He is fantastic Cole – my favourite character in Toy Story 4 by far 🙂
April has been busy
April has been exploring alongside her big brother as he finds out all about litres and millilitres for his homework this week 🙂
She had tonnes of fun getting creative with toilet rolls – can you guess what she has made?
Chalk creations by Rebecca and Logan
Super creative skills by Logan and Rebecca here. Well done to any helpers you might have had for this one too 🙂
Rebecca also wanted to show everyone her out exercising on her bike.
Living the Dream
Meet Poppy …….. living her best life and clearly enjoying being a lady of leisure these days 🙂
Potions Galore
Look at the concentration on Carter’s face as he creates his own homemade potion in the sun. Mixing, pouring, squeezing, the list goes on and the fun is endless.
Healthy snacks
Ashton worked hard to create a super healthy lunch after Leoni’s food challenge last week.
Can you look closely to see if you can find all of the ingredients he used to make his healthy spider for lunch?
Ashton found a duckling :)
While out his daily walk, Ashton found a beautiful little duckling.
He even posted a fab video to our twitter page of him singing the song “5 Little Ducks”
Can you sing the song “5 Little Ducks”?
Good afternoon everyone!
This afternoons focus is on Elmer the Elephant!
A super activity to create some artwork from a fantastic book! Have a lovely afternoon story time, reading “Elmer the Elephant” or listen to the story through the link below. Then, have some fun making an Elmer lantern! First, take an empty milk carton and mark it up like shown below. Then, cut along the lines to get your elephants body and let your child decorate it with lots of bright colours whether this be glitter, tissue paper, sequins, pens or paints! Finally, once its dry, if you have a LED tea light or some fairy lights place them inside and see the colours shine!
Outdoor Learning Post (class 4 and 5)
10am Outdoor Learning Post
We hope you have fun with these ideas, spend time together and simply chat. Please be mindful of social distancing and be aware of others around you at this time. We would love to see or hear how your child got on with the activity by uploading picture / photos to our email.
Remember if you have older / younger siblings within your family then they can be involved too. We look forward to seeing all of your pictures
Let’s support our local community by staying at home and getting creative.
(Facebook — Catrine Show.)
To enter – scroll down to the class post and upload a photo of your entry in the comments section.
Class 4 Children’s Art Competition
Ask your child what is their favourite animal they would like to see on a farm, look it up on google, talk about the animal, colour,height, size, then let your child draw or paint their animal.
Class 5 Best Dressed Animal
What can we dress our pets up as? write down your children’s ideas , get them to do a drawing of their dressed up animal and share with the ECC. Support your child as they dress up their pet, let them take the picture, have fun together.
I’m looking forward to seeing, all your fantastic pictures and photos
Remember to post your entry to the Catrine Show’s facebook page and also share your pictures or photos with our email too :-
You could even add your picture to your window displays, for people to see while they are out on their daily walks.
Remember entries have to be submitted by 11am on Saturday 2nd May, at the latest, via Catrine Show (Facebook page- scroll down to class post and upload your entry .)
Good Luck everyone.
Headteacher’s Challenge #11
Good morning and welcome to Tuesday 🙂
Just before the schools closed in mid-March, at the Primary School we held another very successful Scholastic Book Fayre and we talked at assembly about the importance of reading in our everyday lives – in school, at home and when we’re out and about.
In our Home Circles we listed some reasons why it’s so important that we learn to read …
‘to fill in job and college applications’
‘to read bus, train and plane timetables’
‘to read texts and emails from friends and family’
‘to do our jobs properly when we’re working’
and my most favourite answer EVER
‘to be able to read bedtime stories to our weans when we are mums and dads’.
At the ECC you regularly enjoy listening to your teachers reading a story to you in your groups, and Alana organises brilliant Bookbug sessions, which are enjoyed by the whole family.
So, today’s Challenge is – to share/read a book with someone.
You could read the book to someone if it’s a story that you know well, or someone in your family could read the book to you and then you could have a go at retelling the story to them. You could talk about the pictures in the book and make up your own story – endless possibilities with a book!
Find a nice, comfy, quiet place and time, get cuddled in and simply enjoy reading a book.
I would love to see some photos of the book you’re sharing with your families.
When my two boys (now aged 16 and 11) were wee, their favourite books were ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ and ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ – I’ve still got these books and I’m going to read them aloud today and I just know that they will enjoy hearing me reading these books (even though they might pretend that they’re not listening …)
As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch. Mrs Govans x
The whole family can be involved in this activity 😉 This morning we designed numbers 0 – 10 then hopped, jumped, walked backwards, stomped etc to the different numbers, another good idea is to play musical numbers (bumps), when the music stops, run to a number and identify the number. Creating a hopscotch with the numbers is also a great idea.
Have fun 🙂
Good Morning everyone. Can you make a model out of any junk you have? Anything you would recycle can be reused and turned into a masterpiece. Have fun creating.
2PM NUMERACY POST-Collecting and counting natural matrials
Good Afternoon everyone, it’s a beautiful day so why not enjoy some numeracy in the outdoors today. The task is to collect as many natural materials that you can in the outdoors whether that is in your garden or when out on a walk. I have used a large egg box to collect materials and use as a frame for counting but you don’t need to do this. You could collect various materials and sort them into the correct categories, this could be stones, twigs, acorns or leaves. You could talk about how many you have collected of each item, which you have more of and the properties of the materials you have found. Please have some fun and enjoy learning in the beautiful sunshine ♥
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have settled back into home learning after your Easter break 🙂
Challenge: To make a picture of a face out of fruit, vegetables or your favourite food.
This challenge will also give you the opportunity, along with support from your adults, to cut the food into pieces and sizes of your choice to make your picture or face.
I have attached a few examples to give you an idea, however, be as imaginative as possible!
I hope you and your adults have great fun doing this challenge and remember to send your completed pictures and/or videos to
I can’t wait to see all your creative and imaginative ideas 🙂
P.S – next week we are going to be making and cooking our own pizzas! You can either get ingredients to make your own dough, which is easily found online or get the ready made dough!
Happy Friday
Click below for Friday’s daily planner suggestion.
Have a super weekend and keep your photographs coming in.
Lukas has been developing his fine motor skills this week using the chunky chalks to draw and mark make with. Looks like you have been enjoying the sunshine Lukas! Great pictures 🙂
Mail A Hug by Gracie-Leigh
Excellent pictures sent in this morning showing each of the stages Gracie-Leigh went through to create her Mail A Hug.
Whoever receives your hug Gracie-Leigh is one very, very lucky person 🙂
Earning their keep :)
April and her brother Kerr really enjoyed Courtney’s literacy on Monday, recognising letters and blasting them with water. The middle picture of April was during the holidays when she was being super clever and leading her very own Bookbug session with her family 🙂 I heard your song choices were great April 🙂 And my particular favourite is your photograph today – working hard and feeding the sheep. Great effort to both of you.
Outdoor Explorers
Cole and Madison have been exploring their world around them (in between their superb photoshoots that I hope are being blown up and put on your walls 🙂 ) Great pictures guys and wonderful memories being made.