Community Practitioner

Please find attached a poster of a fantastic support system in place for all of our children and families throughout the summer holidays and the academic year 2021/22.
While we close for 6weeks we still want to feel that if you need anything during this time that you have someone you can contact for support and advice.
Lauren Dawid is Catrine ECC’s Community Practitioner and listed is just some of the things she can help with.

south team poster Lauren Dawid for GLOW

Transition to Catrine PS Primary 1

A reminder that Mrs Cook, Mrs Ferguson and myself will be in the ECC playground tomorrow morning during drop off time.

We look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have as you prepare for your wee one to start with us in August.

I have also attached a form below where you can post any questions and we will do our very best to answer them.

Mrs Schendel

Health Week 2021

Last week we were exploring aspects of health here in the ECC.  We had a jam packed week and I hope everyone managed a wee rest over the weekend.   Each practitioner focused on an aspect of health and provided a range of activities to promote children’s understanding and to develop their skills further.

Nutrition – Rena and Julie      

The children got to try a range of fruits in a taste session, explore vegetables in the feely tubs, explore sugar content in rethink your drink and design their own potato after reading Supertato.

Fitness – Sherrie and Michelle

The children enjoyed a Zumba/dance session, practicing their football skills, balloon racing, fill the bucket challenge and the fitness dice game.

Social/Emotional – Lesleyanne, Tammie and Leonie

The children had the opportunity to explore emotions through playdough, they had time to discuss what to do when ‘something is bugging them’, parachute games, emotion post box game  and playing board games with their friends.

Mindfulness – Carrie and Meghan

The children explored massage, yoga, bubble breathing, compliments and controlled breathing techniques.

Dentist role play – Hannah and Julie

The children explored dental hygiene through role play, information books and a fabulous selection of resources hired from the NHS.

Toby the Nosey Cat – Lesleyanne

The children got the opportunity to meet Toby the very Nosey Cat who finds himself not feeling too great after being in a smoky house, they discussed the danger of passive smoke and why grown ups should take their cigarettes right outside.

Have a look at how busy we have been 

Transition into Primary 1 in August 2021

Mrs Cook, Mrs Ferguson and I have really enjoyed getting to know our new Primary 1’s during our transition mornings in the school playground.  The children have had lots of fun getting to know their new teachers and buddies.  I hope you have enjoyed seeing their photos.

Unfortunately we are unable to welcome parents and carers into the school at the moment.  However we would very much like to meet you and introduce ourselves.

On the morning of Wednesday 16th June Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Cook and myself will be in the ECC playground during drop off time to say hello and answer any questions you may have.

I have included some useful information for your child’s first few days at Catrine Primary.  Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

  • All pupils return to school on Thursday 19th August.  P1 pupils will start at 9.30am on both Thursday 19th and Friday 20th. Pupils should be brought to the main gates at the front of the school.  Please note that only one adult will be permitted to bring their child into the playground and we will make every effort to ensure you are able to take a photograph of this special moment.
  • Pupils should be collected at 2.30pm on these two days from the school gates.  The class teacher will bring your child to the school gates and ensure they are handed over to an adult.
  • From Monday 23rd August the school day starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm.
  • Pupils should bring a snack for their morning break.  Details on  using the Parent Pay app to order school lunches will follow.
  • School uniforms can be purchased at Donsport in Cumnock, Just Jeans in Auchinleck or at the School Wear Centre in Kilmarnock.  Our uniform consists of shirt and tie/Polo shirt /Sweatshirt/ Cardigan/ Black trousers/skirt/pinafore
  • Please ensure you put your child’s name on all their clothing, especially their jumpers.
  • At the moment we advise that pupils don’t bring a school bag or PE kit.  PE will most likely take place outside and we will let you know in August what days PE will take place.

As we know, things can change very quickly in the current climate so please continue to visit Catrine Primary School blog and download the School App for Parents. Updates on any changes to regulations will be posted before the start of term.

This video highlights some of the experiences your child can expect during their time in Primary 1.

Mrs Cook, Mrs Ferguson and I look forward to seeing you at the ECC on Wednesday morning.

Mrs Schendel, Principal Teacher

End of Term Beach Party

Not only is Tuesday 22nd June going to be our last day of term for 2020/21 but it is a big day for our Catrine ECC building as it closes its doors for extensive refurbishment.

With this in mind we would like to invite all children to celebrate with us and enjoy a fun filled beach party.

On this day children can come to the ECC dressed for the occasion; shorts and shades, grass skirts, flower garlands etc.

We plan to play a range of themed games such as limbo, toss the ring on the flamingo, coconut hut throws and so much more.

At 10am we have arranged for “Frank’s Ices” to come along to the ECC where the children can order an ice cream cone or a slushy and at 12pm we will enjoy a fabulous picnic style lunch (hopefully in the sun).

At around 2pm we aim to have a SUPER SOAKER SESSION so please bring a towel when collecting your child on this day.

Can we ask that children be collected from the garden area at 

MINIBEASTS – 2.25 – 2.30pm 

SEA CREATURES – 2.35 – 2.40pm 

Once all children have been collected we are DELIGHTED, EXCITED AND FAIR LOOKING FORWARD TO ……


Staff will be seated 2 metres apart with a small tub in front of them and at the cost of 50p a shot, children and parents may pick practitioners of their choice to soak.

Staff will ALSO require to bring a towel to drive home sitting on this day, I would presume LOL.

At this time we ask that you continue to ensure you keep a 2 metre distance as always, and that your face covering is on at all times.

PLEASE NOTE – Only people carrying an exempt badge will be able to participate in our extra session without one. 

Numeracy Week at Catrine ECC

During week beginning 17th of May the children took part in numeracy week.

We explored money where they were learning about recognising a range of coins, understanding that coins have different values and that you need to exchange money to receive items.

We also explored measurement where the children learnt about size, height, capacity ,weight and amounts.

They created their own graphs using data they had collected from counting certain objects in or around the ECC and were introduced to tally marks.

Simple fractions were up next, where they split whole items into even sized parts through a range of active games and experiences (halves/quarters).

The children participated in a range of activities that allowed them to follow simple directions/movements and positional language. They achieved this by using technology to follow dance moves, following clues to find all the police equipment, completing an obstinate courses both indoors and out and investigating with remote control/programmable toys.

I think you will agree it was a super busy week for everyone involved and the learning experiences offered to the children were absolutely fantastic.

Please click the link below to see the Mini beasts hard work:

Go to this Sway


Please click the link below to see the Sea creatures hard work:

Go to this Sway

Catrine Primary School Transition

We received a super delivery today of 16 beautifully designed A3 size posters from Catrine Primary School. Each child in the ECC has been allocated a P6 buddy as explained in our previous Transition blog. Our fab P6’s have spent time introducing themselves to our ECC children and telling them some fun, interesting facts about what they like to do in their spare time.

Below are a few to let you see their wonderful work and how responsible they are being by ensuring they are still continuing to support our ECC children in their transition to Primary 1 during COVID-19 restrictions.

During both of our transition dates next week our children will enjoy a picnic snack outdoors in the playground with their buddy.

Posters have each been stuck on the walls of the ECC in each bubble and ELCP’s will take time to speak with your child about their buddy. Staff will then send the posters home with the children in June for you to continue this link over the summer holidays.

World of Work

The children have been very busy the past few weeks participating in activities related to the World of Work. We have learnt so much about lots of different jobs available in the world we live in.  The children have experienced lots of different learning opportunities that has allowed them to explore and gain knowledge of the roles of police officers, fire fighters, doctors, teachers, builders/road workers, hairdressers/beauticians, football coaches and lots more. Please click the link below to see some of the fantastic work the children have done.

Mini beasts:

Go to this Sway

Sea Creatures:

Go to this Sway


A huge thank you to all the parents, friends, family members and businesses that helped us provide excellent learning experiences for the children by providing us with fantastic resources and videos full of knowledge about their jobs. The children loved using the resources and watching all the videos where they recognised some familiar faces.



Some of the parents might have heard there was a thief in the ECC last week !

PLEASE  DO NOT BE ALARMED!! Alana’s biscuits for her cup of tea were returned safely to her (minus a few as the thief was hungry).

Please see the link below for the police report of the offence (and to find out who took Alana’s biscuits )

Go to this Sway


To round off world of work week we have asked the children what kind of job they would like to do when they grow up. Press the link bellow to see the children’s fantastic drawings of the jobs they inspire to have when they grow up as we “build the foundations of our future work force”.

The staff have also done videos as they look back to when they were younger and share the jobs they thought they wanted to do.

Go to this Sway

Our new Respected Superheros

As you know here at the ECC we like to use the SHANARRI indicators to guide us in our delivery of health and well being and encourage the children to become familiar with these aspects.    We have now moved onto exploring RESPECTED and what this means to us, therefore we would like to introduce our new superhero characters.   Meet Respected Star designed by Calli for the minibeasts (on the left) and Respected Ryan designed by Phoebe for the Sea Creatures (on the right).   Well done girls, fantastic job!

Please keep an eye on our Health and Well being board for updates on what we are learning.

Parent/Carer Progress Appointments

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unfortunately unable to carry out face to face progress appointments again this term however, we strongly believe that reporting to parents and giving you the opportunity to ask any questions is more important than ever before due to the current circumstances.


We therefore would encourage you to phone the ECC on 01290 551233 to book your telephone appointment time slot.

Please note these appointment times will be on a first come, first served basis, will be kept to 10mins per call and will take place


When your child’s keyworker makes the call it will appear on your phone as a withheld number or no caller ID, please ensure you answer the call.


Group appointment days are as follows;

Due to staffing arrangements and cover to allow practitioners to be off  the floor, all appointments will take place between 1pm and 2.20pm.


We continue to thank you for your support and cooperation at Catrine ECC.

Alana Speirs


Transition – Sea Creatures

This week the transition visits from ECC to Catrine Primary School began for all children. On Thursday the Sea Creature’s had their first visit.

The pre-school children met with one of their Primary 1 teachers, Mrs Cook. They all engaged in fun learning experiences while the Anti -pre children explored the infant playground and mud kitchen area which will be our outdoor learning space in August.

Everyone had a lovely time at the Primary school, please click the link below to see photographs of the visit.

Have a great weekend.


Transition – Minibeasts

This week saw the start of our transition visits for all children.

On Tuesday the mini beasts pre – schoolers met with one of their teachers Mrs Ferguson for some fun learning activities while the Anti -pre children explored the infant playground  which will become their outdoor learning space.

Please click the link below to see photographs of the Mini beasts first visit to Catrine Primary School.

Have a lovely weekend.


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