Last week we were exploring aspects of health here in the ECC. We had a jam packed week and I hope everyone managed a wee rest over the weekend. Each practitioner focused on an aspect of health and provided a range of activities to promote children’s understanding and to develop their skills further.
Nutrition – Rena and Julie
The children got to try a range of fruits in a taste session, explore vegetables in the feely tubs, explore sugar content in rethink your drink and design their own potato after reading Supertato.
Fitness – Sherrie and Michelle
The children enjoyed a Zumba/dance session, practicing their football skills, balloon racing, fill the bucket challenge and the fitness dice game.
Social/Emotional – Lesleyanne, Tammie and Leonie
The children had the opportunity to explore emotions through playdough, they had time to discuss what to do when ‘something is bugging them’, parachute games, emotion post box game and playing board games with their friends.
Mindfulness – Carrie and Meghan
The children explored massage, yoga, bubble breathing, compliments and controlled breathing techniques.
Dentist role play – Hannah and Julie
The children explored dental hygiene through role play, information books and a fabulous selection of resources hired from the NHS.
Toby the Nosey Cat – Lesleyanne
The children got the opportunity to meet Toby the very Nosey Cat who finds himself not feeling too great after being in a smoky house, they discussed the danger of passive smoke and why grown ups should take their cigarettes right outside.
Have a look at how busy we have been ♥