Let’s Go Purple!

Catrine ECC and PS are taking part in Go Purple! Day next Friday, 8th October, for the Ayrshire Hospice.  All funds raised will go to the Ayrshire Hospice.

PS parents can donate via Parentpay and ECC parents can make a cash donation in the collection bucket which will be at the ECC entrance next Friday.

All pupils/children are being asked to wear something purple – purple hat, scarf, socks, t-shirt, badge, hair bobble and it’s a Dress Down Day for the PS pupils too.

House Captains and P7 pupils have organised four House challenges that all pupils, in both the ECC and PS, will take part in throughout the day, so look out for some great photos on GLOW.

Learning Overview


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Ocean Room

Please click the link below to discover what the children have been learning over the past two weeks in the Ocean Room.

The main topics have been caring for babies and, in the water area, pouring and filling whilst promoting mathematical language.


Please click on the link below to find out what the children have been busy learning in the Garden Room this fortnight.


Find out more about your child’s PERSONAL LEARNING

We are super excited to be launching a new form of communication within Catrine ECC this year.

Learning Journals are a fantastic way for parent/carers to get updates on your child’s individual learning and progress.

Staff have been working hard over the past few weeks on training, creating children’s profiles and beginning to navigate around the online platform.

By the end of the week each child will have an observation logged on his/her profile. An email will be sent to you with a username and a prompt to login for the first time, creating a password and 4 digit code.

Each time a new observation is published on your child’s learning journal you should receive a notification encouraging you to login, view it and leave a comment if possible.

We hope that you enjoy using My Learning Journals and if you have any questions in relation to these then please do not hesitate to get in touch by phoning the ECC office 01290 551233

Each child will also come home this week with a paper copy of their individual targets. We ask that you read them, add anything to the back page, sign and return them to the keyworkers ASAP.

And again, as always, if anyone would like to discuss their child’s targets further then please phone the ECC.  We are always happy to help.


Come and see what we’ve been up to :)

The children have been busy the past few weeks exploring a wide range of different activities in our new rooms and outdoor area. Please click on the links below to see what the children have been exploring and all their hard work.

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Celebrating our achievements

Celebrating achievement is important to us here at the ECC.  When we celebrate children’s achievements we are developing their confidence and sense of belonging.  We have created our new ‘wow wall’ and are looking forward to filling it with lots of achievements not just from inside the centre but also with what we are achieving at home.  Please help us fill our new display by sharing your children’s achievements on our wow moment sheets that they will be bringing home.


The wow moment sheets can be children’s quotes, mark-making or even photographs.  We love seeing the children’s own work and this makes their achievements more meaningful.  Soon all parents and carers will have access to their child’s learning journal where their learning and development is recorded digitally and sharing photographs of home achievements will become easier.  Therefore children’s own drawings and markings is an effective way of sharing achievements using our paper wow moments as we appreciate not everyone has access to a printer to produce photographs.

Remember an achievement could be anything from sleeping in own bed all night, eating vegetables at tea time or learning to ride a bike.  However big or small your child’s achievement is, we would love to hear all about it.  Hope everyone has a lovely weekend 🌈

Meet Nurture Nerd

Here at the ECC we actively support the health and wellbeing of all children.  We explore the aspects of health and wellbeing and what it means, to ensure that we can embed good practice in the daily life of the setting.  We use the SHANARRI indicators to guide us through our journey.   As we are just settling into our new surroundings and getting to know all these new faces, we have decided that we will start with N for nurture, where we can discuss what nurture means and how we can be nurturing people.

Image result for shanarri indicators

See the source image

To get us started we had our superhero competition where the children enjoyed designing and naming their own Nurture superhero and the winner was……………Carson.  A big well done to Carson, the children thought his was the worthy winner and he spent a lot of time designing his character called Nurture Nerd.

Keep your eyes peeled for Nurture Nerd to see what we have been learning and discussing here at the centre. We would love to hear how we are demonstrating nurture at home.


New Starts and hot weather

The time has finally arrived.

Our staff and returning children cannot wait to meet our August starts tomorrow morning 😀

Times: 9.15 –  11.15am

Doors: Minibeast children will come in through our Garden Room and Sea Creatures will come in through our Ocean entrance.

Can we please also ask that ALL children come with suncream applied as we will be outdoors and we are delighted to see it is to be a gorgeous week 😊

Thank you

Alana Speirs

Welcome Back

Hello everybody and welcome back 🙂

We hope you have had a super summer and enjoyed most of our pleasant weather.

The staff here at Catrine ECC will be back to work tomorrow unpacking boxes and setting up for your arrival on Thursday (for returning children) and Monday (for new starts).

A reminder of the essential details are outlined below.

GROUPS AND DOORS- If your child is in a “Minibeast” group with Carrie, Rena, Julie or Michelle, he/she will enter/exit through our GARDEN DOOR.

If your child is in a “Sea Creature” group with Leoni, Sherrie or Jan, he/she will enter/exit through our OCEAN entrance which will be the main ECC doors for the year. Please note a change in keyworker for the Jellyfish group – this group will now have Lesleyanne and Tammie. If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to get in touch.

TIMES – Both doors (Garden and Ocean) open at 8.45am and 2.45pm. Due to the volume of parents and children within the school and ECC we ask that you are prompt at these times, leave the playground as soon as you have collected your child and only one adult per child is allowed.

GATES – Please arrive through the ECC gate (previously the infant gate).

PARKING – After the Primary Schools successful School Streets trial last term, the parking restrictions are still in place around Catrine PS during term time days. The restricted times are between 8.30-9.30am and 2.30-3.20pm. Thanks to everyone for supporting us with this scheme as it is making such a difference in helping t keep all of our children same at the beginning and end of each day.

LUNCH – Children choosing to stay with us all day once they are happily settled into the ECC will be offered a 2 course meal. Our menus can be found on our APP and GLOW. Packed lunches are not permitted due to allergens, equality and our requirement to provide a healthy, hot, and nutritionally balanced meal.

If you have any further questions please email me or telephone the ECC on Tuesday or Wednesday between 10.30am and 12pm.


Kind regards

Alana Speirs

Depute Manager



Beach Party Video

To all of our children and families,

We hope you enjoy our video from yesterday – even if you were unable to join us. It is a fabulous watch to see friends and staff on what was a super end to a busy year, and the celebration of our ECC refurb starting.

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From everyone here at Catrine ECC we wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful summer.

Take care 🙂

Judith Govans and Alana Speirs


End of year Celebrations

Good morning parents/carers, we want to start off by saying what an unusual year we have had. It has not been the same in terms of allowing everyone into our ECC to meet our keyworkers, have stay and play sessions and most of all to celebrate alongside us with our end of year celebrations. However, I take pleasure in saying even with the restrictions and the uncertainty we have had this year, all of the children have grown and have had the most fun and exciting experiences just the same.


We would like to take this time now to say a massive congratulations to all of our graduates! You have been super and it has been an absolute pleasure watching you grow and develop over these past 2 years. We wish you all the very best and success in moving onwards to Primary 1:

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Now, we know it has been a hard year, especially as a parent not being able to see your child within their setting, participating in lots of fun things such as sports days and graduations. All of us here at Catrine ECC thought to cheer you up that we would make a ‘kids say the funniest things’. Now beware, the kids have said some things that may make you go red!! Unfortunately due to absences and then our early closure, we were unable to complete the filming and therefore did not manage to ensure every child featured in it. It was too good though not to show what was completed and edited so sit back, relax and enjoy. 

We hope you enjoy the video and laugh just as much as we did whilst making it:

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I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone for all your co-operation this year. We cannot wait to welcome all our returners and new-comers in August.

Returning and New Children to Catrine ECC for August

As you will be aware we are moving out of our current ECC building in Newton Street next week ahead of extensive refurbishment work, and into Catrine Primary School infant department.

In an effort to introduce ourselves to some of our new children and families we have created and uploaded two short videos that we hope you find helpful, fun and can be used as a wee talking point over the holidays.

Individual letters and information booklets will be sent out and our induction slideshow can be found below.

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We cannot wait to welcome back/meet everyone in August.


Meet the Staff Videos

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If you have any further questions after receiving your information packs please do no hesitate to phone the ECC on 01290 551233 or email alana.speirs@eastayrshire.org.uk


Please click on the link below for an important COVID-19 update.

Our MINIBEAST bubble should continue to self-isolate at home. Emails are currently being sent out to parent/carers and staff.

Our SEA CREATURE bubble is operating as normal.

School Generic Parent Letter

Below is also a helpful leaflet on self isolation and support.

MIS21-044-GD Self isolation infographic sheet for parents 12 Jun 21

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact the ECC office on 01290 551233.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases

Dear Parent/carer,

NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s Health Protection Team are conducting a contact tracing exercise in relation to confirmed cases of COVID-19 within our MINIBEAST BUBBLE.

Please await further information regarding this from Test and Protect if your child is affected.

Our Sea Creature bubble is open and running as normal.

Alana Speirs 

Depute Manager 

Permission for a tattoo during our Beach Party

Please ensure you complete the form below if you wish your child to have a tattoo applied during our beach party on Tuesday 22nd June.

Please note that only children who have been given permission through this will be able to get a tattoo on this day.  Thank you.


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