Wednesday 20th May- Daily Challenge

Lolly stick planes

What you will need: 1 wooden peg, pens, 3 ice lolly sticks, elastic bands or glue and scissors.


  • Colour your wooden peg and lolly sticks.
  • Glue or use your elastic band to stick or hold one lolly sick on the top of your peg and one on the bottom of your peg.
  • Use the scissors to cut the last lolly stick to make a short tail for your plane then glue it onto the peg.

Have you ever been on a plane?  Where did the plane take you?

Can you name any parts of a plane before watching the video?

Here is a video about the different parts of a plane and how they work.

Can you think of anything else that can fly ? 

Have fun !

Headteacher’s Challenge #17

Good morning and welcome to another week of home learning.

Today’s challenge is another singing one.  With the change in the weather (where has the sunshine gone?!) I’m finding it a bit of a challenge to get out of bed in the morning so I’m hoping that this song will help me start each day off on a positive note, as it’s all about waking up and getting ready for the day ahead. 

We sing this song regularly at Monday morning assemblies at the primary school so big brothers and sisters will definitely know it.  If it’s a new song to you, I’m sure you’ll learn it very quickly and will be singing it all day around the house.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

PS I think Alana might have a wee surprise for you all later on today … 🙂


Monday 18th May – DAILY TASK

Good morning everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Where has Mr Golden Sun gone?!☀️

Today we are going to be counting car colours.
Whilst out your daily walk or looking out your window why don’t you record the colour of cars that pass by? (If you don’t have any stickers at home you can draw circles, stars etc, instead.)

At the end of the activity you can count the stickers/drawings/markings to identify the most and least colour of car that you saw.

Friday 15th May – DAILY TASK

Good afternoon everyone

Linking with Alana’s post yesterday about achievements, I thought it would be a good idea to post another achievement task. Don’t worry, you don’t need to do it all today, just over the next week or two, try to work through them. It’s all to do with our physical abilities and skills.

Below I have attached the achievement chart of the various tasks and an explanation of what they are. Feel free to print if you wish, however if you do not have access to a printer; you can make up your own achievement chart for the tasks.

I hope you all enjoy the tasks, and feel free to complete when you wish.

remember we all love to see your photos, so when completing a task feel free to take pictures or videos and send them in to or you can send them to my email which is

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, stay home and stay safe


Catrine Super Stars

We have had loads of pictures sent in this week which is fabulous.

I know we say it every day, “we want to see your pictures, send us in your pictures”, but we genuinely mean it. We miss all of your wee faces and it makes us all smile seeing each of you happy and having fun.

This week we have been sent through lots after our request for video images so look out below and see if any of your extra photos have been uploaded onto here 🙂

April thoroughly enjoyed Carrie’s lovely activity on Monday, Paper Dolls as did Owen who even took his paper dolls on their very own adventure 🙂

Cole has been working super hard on his pencil control and writing skills 🙂

A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Emily who celebrated her 4th Birthday on Monday – We hope you have a great day Emily xxxxx

On Tuesday Jan showed everyone how to make fab bird feeders and Gracie-Leigh wanted to show Jan her superb one. She also took part in Mrs Govan’s Headteacher wheeled challenge 🙂

Another BIRTHDAY BOYHarris also celebrated his big 4th Birthday this month. Everyone at the ECC hopes you had an amazing day Harris 🙂

Logan has been keeping a close eye on his beans – has anyone else noticed any changes yet????

Louie wanted to share some his pictures over the past few weeks with everyone – nice to see you Louie 🙂 and boy does your bike look like fun 🙂

Loved this email from Poppy – She helped her mum and dad on Friday to make and deliver packages safely to vulnerable and elderly people in the community to help them to celebrate V.E Day before relaxing in the hot tub after a hard days work 🙂 Well done guys 🙂

And same again, I’m pinching this idea for in my house next week – to help Poppy’s big brother Flynn with his homework on Italy, mum and dad decided to go all out and create an Italian restaurant. Great effort everyone 🙂

Quinn has also been busy in the garden looking after his beans and other seeds. Great job Quinn.

Rebecca wanted to show us her grass seeds growing. Super work on your laptop there too, great concentration skills 🙂

And below is Oscar showing everyone his bird feeders and his HUGE puzzle he completed all by himself 🙂

Thank you to everyone who sent us in images this week. The above were all extra so look out for yours still to come if it wasn’t posted on here today 🙂


A Little Story About Wearing Masks

I have attached a story today that may be helpful when trying to support our children through these uncertain times.  My own daughter has shown a lot of interest in masks at the moment and I have had lots of questions asked!  This is a lovely resource I hope you find useful


Gracie-Leigh has been helping her mum make special masks! She used a needle and thread to sew it together. Nicest masks I’ve ever seen 🙂 Great job 🙂  STAYHOMESTAYSAFE 🙂

Thursday 14th May – DAILY TASK

So ……. last week …… this happened …..

Halle managed with really no help from myself or her Dad to ride her bike with no stabilisers!

We were so proud of her.

Then just days later she managed to cycle 5miles!

… and she is super proud of herself!!!!

Achievement is a huge thing for us all no matter what our age.

We all want to achieve, and when we do, whether it be big or small, it makes us feel great about ourselves.

Within Catrine ECC we celebrate the children’s achievements both daily and weekly. Our SHANARRI character, ACHIEVING ANDY, named and designed by the children helps us to develop the children’s understanding of what the term achievement means.

And Andy wants to know now, WHAT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED? Parents feel free to join in too 🙂 Use this week to try and work on tasks you usually find difficult.

Remember achievements should be challenging but manageable for each individual. They can be things you have been working on for weeks, like making your bed, it could be eating carrots at dinner time, it could be catching a ball or spending a full night in your own bed.

If you are proud tell us, so we can be proud too.

Send any achievements into your child’s keyworker personally and make them smile along with you.

Keyworker emails can be found below:




Red (Julie’s group)









Headteacher’s Challenge #16

Good morning on another glorious Thursday morning 🙂

Well done to everyone who completed Tuesday’s Wheely Good challenge, and got out and about on their bikes and scooters in the sunshine.

Today’s challenge is all about Shapes.

Sitting here at my kitchen table I can see ..

a circle – the kitchen clock

a square – a photo frame on the window sill

a rectangle – an envelope waiting to be posted

Try to find as many different shapes as possible around your home and make a list of them all.  Shapes can be either 2D (flat) or 3D (solid). Challenge family members to make their own shape list and see who can find the most different shapes.  Look very carefully at small items – the lids of pens, keys or coins as they usually have some unusual shapes hidden away on them.

I look forward to seeing how many different shapes you can find around your house and garden.  Post your lists on your blogs or email them to me at or to  We love when you share your learning with us.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch. Mrs Govans x

What shape is the envelope Owen is holding? and the stamp?

Happy Tooth, Sad Tooth

Good morning everyone, I hope everyone is doing well.  Today I’ve got a little task that focuses on how to look after our teeth.  Happy tooth, sad tooth, the children can draw their own pictures like below and they could either draw the food or find real food in the house and put it on the correct tooth.  At the moment it can be quite hard to stay away from treats when we are in the house so a little discussion along with this task may be a reminder to the children of the risks that eating too many treats could have on their teeth!

Lets keep those little smiles that I miss so much gorgeous and healthy!

Scotland Learns

Yesterday, Education Scotland published a fantastic new resource to help support parents and carers during this time of home learning. There are super ideas from nursery age right through to secondary school supporting older siblings alike.

Within the publication there are also further links to support with resources such as GLOW, and Parentzone Scotland.

Headteacher’s Challenge #15

Good morning and welcome to Tuesday (apologies for the late posting of today’s challenge – ICT issues!)

This challenge is a wheely good one …

Today, try to use something that involves wheels.  You could go out on your bike, trike or scooter.  You could practise going your bike without stabilisers, if you’re still using them.  You could build a car/truck/cart for your toys using Lego or sticks – as long as your finished model has wheels and can move.

When I was wee I used to love building a ‘bogie’ with my Granpa Young in Cumnock. We used old pram wheels, cardboard boxes and odd bits of wood for the base, a skipping rope for steering and my feet were the brakes ….

How about asking an adult to help you build a ‘bogie’ (trailer/cart – you can call it whatever you like) for your toys to use in the garden?

So, today’s focus in all about wheels and I can’t wait to see your photos of what you get up to.

As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x



Hi Everyone
Can you make your own paper dolls? And take them on an adventure. Here are some simple steps to follow and I hope you like  the ones we made.
  Fold your paper like this

  Draw a person

   Carefully cut it out -leaving arms at edge of paper 

 Decorate them.This is one of our favourite stories. You could give it a read too.
You could try and make different shapes. Enjoy your week 🙂

Busy, busy, busy :)

Another wee busy bee. Owen has been working on his fine motor skills and pencil control this week. Through his interest in dinosaurs he has also been carrying on with the labelling theme and managed to name and label all the parts of a T-Rex. Super work, Owen.

Owen was also VERY excited to receive his letter through the post on Monday 🙂 Great photos Owen – thank you.

Logan has been practicing writing his name – super work!

He also wanted to send in a picture of him with his Catrine hug and his 2 very magic beans 🙂 We are glad you liked them Logan. Don’t forget to keep us updated on how they grow 🙂

Thursday 7th May- Daily Task

Ziggy’s Back…….

We all love Ziggy, our helpful friend who teaches us about Road Safety, and he has a new adventure to share with all of us – Ziggy’s Rainbow Walk.


Road Safety Scotland's tweet - "Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo! Ziggy's back ...

This is a great story for children to learn about social distancing and taking care when out on walks and the roads around them.

Whilst out on your walk you may want to try some of Ziggy’s activities – they are great fun.

Ziggy’s Activities

Zab-a-ding-a-doo !!!!!

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