Wednesday 17th March 2021

As the Communication Champion within Catrine ECC, I have started a new initiative which is ‘Rhyme of the Month’. This will be posted each month on GLOW, and you will be able to find it within the Communication tab on our GLOW page. This initiative is something that can be enjoyed at home with all the family.

Also, each month children from both bubbles will perform the ‘Rhyme of the Month’ in the outdoor space and I will post this to GLOW for all parents and carers to enjoy.

Julie Nohar – Communication Champion

Nursery Rhyme Week

Hi, I am Julie the Communication Champion.

Next week is World Nursery Rhyme Week –  16th November until 20th November. We will be taking part in the ‘Rhyme a day’ challenge by learning the nursery rhymes and taking part in fun experiences. Look out for your home link challenge and join us by singing these rhymes at home.

5 Little speckled frogs

Hickory Dickory Dock

Old MacDonald Had A Farm


Miss Polly Had A Dolly

The Wheels On The Bus

Here is your challenge for home : can you design your own bus? You could use anything from your house. E.g – cereal boxes, shoe box, milk cartons. Look out for Bubble A/B bus station on Friday 20th November (if weather is against us please send us in a picture to

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