Catrine Primary School Transition

We received a super delivery today of 16 beautifully designed A3 size posters from Catrine Primary School. Each child in the ECC has been allocated a P6 buddy as explained in our previous Transition blog. Our fab P6’s have spent time introducing themselves to our ECC children and telling them some fun, interesting facts about what they like to do in their spare time.

Below are a few to let you see their wonderful work and how responsible they are being by ensuring they are still continuing to support our ECC children in their transition to Primary 1 during COVID-19 restrictions.

During both of our transition dates next week our children will enjoy a picnic snack outdoors in the playground with their buddy.

Posters have each been stuck on the walls of the ECC in each bubble and ELCP’s will take time to speak with your child about their buddy. Staff will then send the posters home with the children in June for you to continue this link over the summer holidays.

Parent/Carer Progress Appointments

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unfortunately unable to carry out face to face progress appointments again this term however, we strongly believe that reporting to parents and giving you the opportunity to ask any questions is more important than ever before due to the current circumstances.


We therefore would encourage you to phone the ECC on 01290 551233 to book your telephone appointment time slot.

Please note these appointment times will be on a first come, first served basis, will be kept to 10mins per call and will take place


When your child’s keyworker makes the call it will appear on your phone as a withheld number or no caller ID, please ensure you answer the call.


Group appointment days are as follows;

Due to staffing arrangements and cover to allow practitioners to be off  the floor, all appointments will take place between 1pm and 2.20pm.


We continue to thank you for your support and cooperation at Catrine ECC.

Alana Speirs


Welcome back

We look forward to welcoming back all our families tomorrow morning for our last term this academic year. A short newsletter can be found below for our Easter months of March and April.

Easter Newsletter 2021

Please continue to ensure that children come to the ECC suitably dressed for all weathers and wearing sun cream on warmer days. If you have not yet completed our Sun Protection Permission Slip please do so now. This form can be found on a previous post on GLOW and on our APP.

Please also find below several ways in which parent/carers can contact our Speech and Language Team working across East Ayrshire for support, advice, tips and strategies in relation to your child’s speech, language and communication skills.


Keeping the spirits high

We were delighted yesterday to see so many very excited faces (children, parents and staff!) when the Easter Bunny arrived at Catrine !!!!

Here are just a few of them …..

Harper was very happy to find out she had won our Bunny Bonus Ball !

Thank you to everyone for purchasing balls and to Carrie for her wonderful balloon.

We raised an amazing total of £166 !

Happy Easter everyone 🐣


Bunny Bonus Ball Winner !!!!

After recording a super “live” video on the number generator APP unfortunately it will not allow us to upload it to GLOW.

However we are happy to announce ………. drum roll please ………. that the winner of the super duper sweet filled easter bunny balloon is ………..

Number 31


CONGRATULATIONS – Your balloon will be ready to be collected at pick up time today.

Easter at Catrine ECC

From Monday 29th March parents, carers and children will be able to purchase a “Bunny Bonus Ball” to be in with the chance of winning a fabulous Easter bunny balloon filled with yummy sweet treats.

Bunny Bonus Balls will be priced at £1 each and will be available at both drop off and pick up times Monday – Wednesday next week with the generator draw taking place at 10am on Thursday morning.

Throughout the week the children will be taking part in fun easter activities within both bubbles.

Carrie has set a challenge for children AND PARENTS for Wednesday (more details to follow)

And on Thursday we are hoping to have a surprise guest visitor a the ECC.

REMINDER – EAC schools and ECCs close at 2.30pm on Thursday for the Easter break. Doors to the ECC will open earlier on this day to allow for parents and carers to get to feeding schools in time as well as a photo opportunity with our visitor – times are as follows:-

MINIBEASTS – 1.55pm – 2.10pm

SEA CREATURES – 2.10pm – 2.25pm

Children and staff return to the centre on Monday 19th April 2021.

A huge big THANK YOU

Everyone here at Catrine ECC would like to take this opportunity to say an enormous THANK YOU to Gillian (Harry’s mum) who donated £100 to the centre last week after collecting money from an online bonus ball generator.

We are delighted to accept your very kind donation and the children have already started thinking about some new resources they might like to spend the money on.

Once the votes are in and verified we will be sure to send you a picture of our new toys 🙂

Thank you again Gillian – from Catrine ECC xxx

Bonnie was Back

Today Bonnie was introduced to all of our Sea Creatures.

(Our Jellyfish and Starfish group pictures will be uploaded on Monday)

Again, Bonnie had such a fab day and is currently lying exhausted at my feet after meeting so many new friends today 🙂

This bubble also spoke of the importance of having gentle hands with Bonnie and what we need to give her to keep her happy and healthy.

Rhys – bones

April – you need to play with her

Ava G – water to drink

Tyler – a lead so she doesn’t run away onto the road

Theia – a bouncy ball

Logan R – dry and wet food

Have a great weekend everyone. From Team Catrine and our newest recruit Bonnie 🙂


Well, as most of you would have seen yesterday morning Bonnie finally got to make her first appearance at the centre.

Like all of our “new starts” she is on a settling in period just now and in line with her risk assessment is meeting small groups of children, in separate bubbles at a time.

Yesterday Bonnie met all of the Magnificent Minibeasts and she had a ball!

The children have been learning all about nurture and how you would care for different living things such as babies, plants and, of course, animals on the run up to her arrival.

Bonnie joined in at group time for her first day, and listened well to the children’s ideas of what she needs to make her feel happy, loved and cared for. Some of the children even had a wee turn at telling her to sit – she showed off and gave a paw, so obviously got rewarded with a wee treat 🙂

Adam – dog food and treats

Emily C – water

Layla – walks and a lead

Ayla C – poop bags because if you don’t it goes on your shoes

Abi – cuddles

Harry – a bed

While Bonnie was here she thoroughly enjoyed exploring in both of our outdoor areas and can’t wait to get back to the ECC to spend some time with the Sea Creatures.

Red Nose Day

On Friday 19th March we will be supporting Comic Relief by wearing something red. The children can also come along to the centre wearing something red. A donation bucket will be placed beside Janet at both drop off and pick up times to allow parents to make a donation, if they wish to.

Any money collected will be split in half between the charity and our Catrine ECC snack fund.

Thank you for your continued support.


Your child needs your help :)

Monday 8th – Friday 12th March is STEM WEEK

Throughout the week the children will be given the opportunity to explore a variety of experiences under the above headings. As a wee treat for the children we have purchased a SILENT DISCO as one of their Technology experiences.

Like any good party, the choice of music either makes it or breaks it. As much as we would LOVE to put on some Whitney Houston songs, Take That, Rod Stewart or GBX tunes it’s not about us (until 3pm hits LOL) so we need your help …..

Can you simply pop your child’s favourite song on the form below to allow us to play it for them and hopefully get them up dancing with their friends?

It can be anything from Disney classics to Gerry Cinnamon, Tik Tok favourites to Ed Sheeran.

Thank you from DJ Speirs 🙂




Bookbug Session with Alana and some of the Minibeasts

Better late than never 🙂

I hope you enjoy listening to one of my ultimate favourite stories ever !!!!!

Click on the link below (no matter what bubble you are in) to listen along with us.

Don’t forget your child can come to the ECC dressed up as their favourite book character on Thursday 4th March to help us celebrate World Book Day. Gentle reminder – no props or books can be brought into the setting due to current COVID restrictions.

Thank you.

Community Practitioner

Here at Catrine ECC we are lucky enough to be part of not only a fabulous “in house team” but also of a fantastic wider support team.

Lauren Dawid is our Community Practitioner

She is on hand to help with any issues, questions or queries and can cover any of the following:-

  • Speech and language
  • Behaviour
  • Sleep
  • Potty training
  • Weaning / Fussy eating
  • Universal credit
  • Play
  • Routines
  • Emotional Support

Lauren works alongside families following COVID-19 guidelines.

Please click on Lauren’s poster below for more information. 




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