ECC Update

After the First Minister’s statement yesterday we are delighted to be able to welcome back all of our children to Catrine ECC on Monday 22nd February 2021, with the exception of our March starts who will attend as planned on Monday 1st March.

From the 22nd February, we will be going forward with our new bubbles, as highlighted to all parent/carers in December.

A little reminder:-

The Magnificent Minibeasts Bubble consists of:-

Carrie’s Caterpillars

Sherrie’s Bumblebees and 

Rena’s Butterflies 

Drop off time – 8.35am on the rainbows, pick up time – 2.35pm (with the option to collect at 12.15pm after lunch if you choose to use only half days)

The Spectacular Sea Creatures consists of:-

Michelle’s Sharks 

Julie’s Jellyfish

Jan’s Dolphins and 

Leoni’s Starfish

Drop off time – 8.45am on the sunshines, pick up time – 2.45pm (with the option to collect at 12.20pm after lunch if you choose to use only half days)

We ask that you continue to support us in providing a safe provision for our children by observing current social distancing guidelines:

  • always wearing a face covering at both drop off and pick up times unless you are exempt for medical reasons
  • ensuring that you maintain a 2 metre distance between yourself and all other adults, including staff
  • carrying out handwashing and sanitising before and after ECC pick ups and drop offs.

We ask that only the very necessary items are brought into the setting and all toys and backpacks stay at home. Changes of clothes can be handed into the ECC in a throw away carrier bag, if you wish.

If you have any further questions in relation to your child’s return to the ECC please do not hesitate to phone 01290 551233 or email

In the meantime, staff have been busy setting up the playrooms ready for Monday and cannot wait to see you all again soon 🙂


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