An enormous WELL DONE and THANK YOU to everyone that sent in fab videos for our Scottish songs and poems task.
Each of you (parents/carers included) have done so well and put in so much hard work to learn and recite these in such a short period of time.
You are all Super Stars 🙂
So sit back, relax, enjoy being part of an online audience and see which of your friends you can recognise.
It was very difficult to pick a winner as everyone was genuinely outstanding.
So I opted not to …… and asked Cole (my big boy) and Halle (my wee girl) to decide 🙂
Cole’s reason (although opted not to be filmed LOL) was because of her microphone and the bananas on her big feet 🙂
I liked your actions and expression.
Super effort Olivia – huge congratulations – please collect your winning box of Scottish shortbread from the ECC at a time that suits best.
Again – big thanks you to everyone.
Happy Burns Day everyone 🙂
If anyone is celebrating in anyway throughout the day don’t forget to send in your pictures and videos to see them on GLOW this Friday.
Well done to everyone, that was fantastic and a huge well done to Olivia, it was very well deserved x