ECC and PS Arrangements for Monday 23rd March

Following further government advice this afternoon, the advice is now to have as few people in ECCs and schools as possible due to the gravity of the current situation and to allow us to prioritise children of keyworkers.

Please do not send your child to Catrine ECC or PS tomorrow unless you are a keyworker who has no other childcare options (please note: it is expected that, in families where one parent is a keyworker, that the other parent provides childcare at this time).

At both establishments, strict social distancing protocols will be in place.  All pupils should be accompanied to ECC/PS by one adult only.

ECC will be open from 8.40am-2.40pm.  ECC pupils will be given a lunch.

PS will be open from 9.00am to 3.00pm.  All pupils will be signed in via the main entrance.

PS pupils in receipt of Free School Meals will be given a lunch.  All other pupils should bring a packed lunch, if possible.

I appreciate how frightening this situation is, and we are trying our best to ensure that families and children who really need our support at this time continue to be supported.  If you have any questions, please phone the ECC or PS.

Thank you for your continued support.  Please take care of yourselves and your families, and all further updates will be sent out via the usual channels so keep checking our APPs and GLOW blogs.

Take care.

Mrs Govans, Headteacher


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