Head Teacher Update

It was a very busy week in Bellsbank PS last week. Our pupils have been working extremely hard. 

On Monday we had our first Pupil Voice Assembly. This was led by our P7 pupils. They led pupil discussions about our school values. They also discussed which values are the most important to them. The P4/5 and P5/6 classes participated well and there was lots of good discussion happening. We will continue to discuss our school values and will be looking for feedback from parents too. 

On Monday and Tuesday all classes participated in a Water Safety Workshop. This interactive experience was very informative and the children were able to develop their knowledge and skills to keep them safe around water. 

On Tuesday, P7 had a lesson from Mr Audino (French and Spanish teacher) from Doon Academy. They had a lesson from Mr McGuire (Science teacher) on Thursday.  

On Wednesday the After School Dance group had the opportunity to perform the routine they’ve been working on at the Gaiety Theatre. They gave a fantastic performance and represented Bellsbank PS well. 

On Friday, P5/6 presented what they’ve been learning to the whole school. They led a presentation about our school value – honesty. They shared their learning, including some amazing acrostic poems. 

At assembly on Friday, I was able to tell the children that the football pitch is ready for them to play on. The fences will remain for the next 6-8 weeks to allow the pitch to settle but they can start using it. We will be organising a rota so that all classes have the opportunity to play. Now that the playground and the football pitch is ready to use, we will be discussing a playground charter with the children to ensure everyone has the chance to play safely and fairly. 

As you can see, it has been a really busy week and next week is also busy, albeit a short week. Children and staff return on Tuesday after the long weekend. 

Tuesday – P6 visit Danger Detectives at Dean Park 

Wednesday – P7 will have a lesson from a Geography teacher from Doon Academy. 

Thursday and Friday – P7 will visit Doon Academy for STEAM activities (Science, Teachnology, Engineering, Art and Maths).  

It will be another busy week in Bellsbank PS. 

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