Thursday 21st May

Good morning everyone,

Today is the last day of the Sumdog contest so let’s finish on highest score that we can! If you haven’t read your book this week, please log into Bug Club. I want to check that you can all get back on. Enjoy your day.

Write a newspaper report. It can be a made up story or it can be about what you have been doing during lockdown.

BBC Bitesize Newspapers


Newspaper template

Make your own minibeast model from any materials you like.

model minibeast

2 thoughts on “Thursday 21st May

  1. Good Morning

    Just checking in regards to ‘newspaper reports‘ homework. We can see the template for the newspaper page but this cannot be edited or added to (photos etc). Any further advice on this? Thanks vm

    1. Hi there,
      The template is a PDF so maybe if you download it you will be able to edit it? The children who are using Teams seemed to be able to edit it. Sorry if that doesn’t help, you can always just use your own format.

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