The aim of the Support for Learning Department is to provide education for every pupil through our awareness and understanding of:
- the diverse range of pupils’ learning needs;
- the process by which we identify these needs; and
- the procedures we adopt to meet these needs.
It is our responsibility to ensure early identification of learning needs, to provide appropriate support and to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of that support. Effective consultation and communication procedures are vital between subject departments, Support for Learning, Guidance, parents/carers, associated primary schools and external agencies.
We have to ensure course content and presentation meet the needs of each pupil and allow access across the curriculum. Issues such as differentiation, pacing, make-up of teaching groups, teaching strategies and resources must be addressed if this is to be achieved.
It is the responsibility of all teachers to address the learning needs of each of their pupils. This cannot be achieved, however, without the appropriate and readily available support, from Principal Teachers, Subject teachers, Support for Learning specialists, senior management, external agencies and the Education Authority.
It is accepted that the best way of acheiving the school aim of supporting all pupils to achieve their potential is to take a varied and flexible approach to learning.