Christmas Parties
As in previous years the arrangements for children dressing for their Christmas party are as follows:
- Option 1: Bring outfit to school to change into.
- Option 2: Wear outfit in the morning to schoool.
- Option 3: Parent can collect their child at 12:15 from the school office on the day of the party and take them home to change. Children must return by 1.00pm and have a letter sent into school to inform the teacher that they are a home lunch.
Clothing Donations
Friday 13th December…
Thursday 12th December
Reminder to all parents and carers that school will be closed Thursday 12th December due to the General Election.
Thank You is enough…
With Christmas fast approaching we are all more mindful than ever of the effects of poverty on the lives of many of the families we work with and the pressure many families feel to show their appreciation to staff in the school through gifts and tokens of appreciation.
Last year the BBC ran a feature about this with the simple message that thank you is enough. We want to share this message with you again this year to reassure any parents that are worried about affording a gift for a teacher in the run up to the Christmas break.
We also want to reassure you that there is no ban on bringing gifts to teachers, but that a thank you, a card and even just the thought behind these small gestures, is more than enough for us as a staff.
Christmas Fair donations
Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to the Christmas Fair. From buying raffle tickets to sending in items for raffle prizes and stalls, thank you!
To make our school fair a huge success we would be delighted to receive donations to our bottle stall, chocolate tombola and if you find you have outgrown a Christmas jumper then we would love to have that too for our Christmas jumper stall! Items can be sent into school with pupils as well as being given to staff at the busses.
Thank you once again for your continued support and we look forward to seeing many of you at our fun filled Christmas Fair this Saturday.