Category Archives: Uncategorized

items that have no relevance to a specific group or subject area.

New Teaching Appointments

At this time I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that Mrs Halbert has announced her retirement from her post at the end of this term.  Mrs Halbert has been a valued member of our team and will be missed by the whole school community.

I am delighted to inform you that we have successfully appointed two new teachers and a Principal Teacher to our school.  I am sure you will join me in extending a warm welcome to both teachers Mr Devlin and Mrs Gilmour-McGuire and also to our new Principal Teacher Mrs Milne who will be taking up their posts at various points over the course of the next six weeks.

Please note that classes directly affected by these changes have been individually notified via a class letter this week.

Co-op local funding opportunity… have you cast your vote yet?

Voting for the Co-op Local Funding closes on Friday 11th December.   Any funding we are awarded is driven by the amount of votes we receive so if you can help then please make sure you vote by the end of this week.

To place your vote, please click here.

For more information on the funding opportunity, please click here to see our original full article.

Thank you to everyone who has cast their vote already.   We look forward to letting you know how much funding we secure.


P6 Class Assembly, Tuesday 8th December

The children of P6 are working very hard getting ready for their class assembly and are excited to welcome their guests to come along and watch them perform.  Assembly starts at 9.30am and as children are moving around the school preparing to attend assembly we ask that guests wait patiently outside the school building until the children are ready to welcome you to join them at approximately 9.20/9.25am.