School closes today (12th February) at 3pm and re-opens to pupils on Monday 22nd February at 9am. We hope you all have a lovely holiday week.
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items that have no relevance to a specific group or subject area.
Gym Days
Primary 5 – Primary 7, Tae Kwon-Do
After School Tae Kwon-Do Taster Session 3-4pm, Thursday 11th February
Please be advised that unfortunately the planned session for Primary 5 – Primary 7 on Thursday 11th February will no longer take place. This is due to an insufficient number of participants wishing to take part. The session on Thursday 25th of February will still take place as previously advised.
A little reminder…
Recently we have received quite a few complaints from parents and local residents about parking outside the school at drop off and pick up times of the day. I am aware that the majority of parents will not fall into this bad habit but can I please ask you all to be mindful of where you park at all times. It is imperative that the children have a safe environment to walk to and from school, and that they have good visibility across the road at all times. Parking on zig zag lines is not permitted during the hours of 8am to 4pm – not even for a few seconds to just drop the children off. It creates a dangerous environment around the school gates and I would ask you to be more conscious of others when you are in this area.
School start time
I have also noticed that the number of pupils arriving late for school in the morning has increased over the last month. Again, while I am aware that the majority of our children have an excellent record for arriving in time for the school bell, could I ask that every effort is made to ensure that all children are ready to join their classmates in the school line at the 9.00 o’clock bell ready to start their academic day together. As advised last year, any arrival to school after 9.05am is recorded in the school attendance system.
Thank you for your attention on both these matters.
World Book Day is nearly here!
Tae Kwon-Do
Scott McMillan from Phoenix Tae Kwon-Do is visiting our pupils to give them a taster session on the Tae Kwon-Do sport. Mr McMillan is running four after school sessions (which will be split between Primary 1 – Primary 4 and Primary 5 – Primary 7). Letters have currently been issued to Primary 5 – Primary 7 notifying their session dates and asking for any pupil who wishes to attend to indicate which session they would like to participate in. Letters to Primary 1 – Primary 4 will be issued after the upcoming holiday.
This is a fabulous opportunity for the children to experience first hand the sport and see if they have an aptitude and desire to pursue the sport in the future.
You can find out more about Phoenix Tae Kwon-do by clicking this link to their website:
Thursday Clubs are back!
I am delighted to let you know that we are about to start the next session of Thursday Clubs.
Click here to see a full list of clubs that were offered to children this term.
Internet Safety for children
For the latest guidelines from Police Scotland on Internet Safety please click on the link here: Internet Safety for children
Co-op Funding
I am delighted to let you know that we have just been informed that we have secured funding of £400 from the Co-op Local Funding Scheme. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to place their votes as this has been paramount to the funding being awarded to us. We are still looking at ways to best spend this award so once the decision has been made, I will let you know what use it was put towards.
They shoot… They scored… They won!
Well done to our football team who yesterday played their first match of this season and won! Scoring four goals against Caledonia they secured their first victory on the pitch. Please join me in wishing them great fun, exemplary sportsmanship and every success in future matches this season!
C’mon the Loanhead footie team!