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Easter Fund Raising

We are delighted to let you know that the Easter fun activities, held recently in school, raised a fantastic total of £166!  The children had a great week taking part in activities such as guessing the chick & bunny’s birthdays, guessing the number of sweets in a jar and also designing an Easter egg.  Many thanks to everyone for the continued support shown to fund raising activities such as these.

Design and Easter Egg winners

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry to our Design an Easter Egg Competition. We had some fantastic eggs with great use of colour and texture and it wasn’t easy to choose the winning designs. Well done to the following children who were the Design an Easter Egg overall winners:

easter egg winners picture

Easter Service, Thursday 24th March, 10am at New Laigh Kirk

A warm welcome is extend to all who wish to join the children at their celebration of Easter Service.

A collection will be taken this year for McMillan Cancer Support.  Children wishing to donate to this will have the opportunity to donate via class collections prior to leaving for the church.  Visitors joining us for our service will also have the opportunity to donate via collection plates at the church entrance prior to the service starting.

In the event of inclement weather the service will take place in the school building.   Should this situation arise, a text message will be issued first thing Thursday morning to advise parents/carers of the change of venue.