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Roon the Toon update…

Please join me in congratulating the Roon the Toon Friends of Loanhead runners who successfully completed the 10k run yesterday and are on target to achieving their goal of £500 sponsorship!  This money raised will be used within the school in the STEM room.  Many thanks to everyone who contributed towards this fantastic amount and a huge thank you to the Friends of Loanhead runners.

roon the toon picture

Roon The Toon fundraiser…

This weekend six members of our Friends of Loanhead Fundraising Team will take on the Roon the Toon 10k and will be raising money for our school STEM room.  There is still time to show your support and sponsor them if you would like to – click here to visit their just giving page.  The race starts at 10am, Sunday 12th of June leaving from the Ayrshire Athletic Arena.  Good luck to all the runners!


Thank you

thank you 3I am sure everyone would agree that today the children had a fantastic sports day! From the sun shining, the noisy carnival themed walks to seeing the children all participating so well in their races this morning and Potted Sports this afternoon… what a great day!

Special thanks to everyone who helped make this day such a success: the parent helpers for escorting in the morning and being score keepers in the afternoon, the teachers and all other members of staff for helping the children prepare for their races and ensuring the smooth running of the event, the parents, grandparents, family and friends for coming along and cheering on the children and lastly but not least… a huge, shout out carnival loud, thank you to the children for being simply fantastic today.  The scores from across today are now being added together and the winning house will be announced to the children very soon!

Art Gallery

The children’s art gallery is all set up in the school gym and ready for viewing on Thursday 2nd June from 1.00pm onwards.   Please feel free top pop into the school in the afternoon to have a look at your child’s piece of art (the option to purchase this is available).  I’m sure you will all agree it looks quite stunning, another fantastic piece of work from the children!

art gallery

Sports Day reminder…

sports day sunshine 2It looks like the sunshine is continuing this week so please consider, if possible, adding a hat and suntan lotion to your child’s outfit for sports day.  The children are really looking forward taking part in what is planned to be a fun filled event!

If you would like a reminder of what country your child’s class is representing as well as a look at how the day is planned to run, then please click here.