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Oh what a night!

I’m sure you will all agree that the Rookie Rockstar Concert put on by the children of Loanhead PS was absolutely spectacular.  From fantastic audience participation to the amazing children who made the night so fabulous with their singing, air guitar playing, head banging, penguin walking and so much more, that was all totally wicked!

Huge thanks also to everyone who came along and supported the night with a special shout out to our brilliant rapping mum, dad, gran and great gran.

The CD which has been produced by the children will continue to be on sale for the next few weeks and you can place an order for this via the school office.  The cost is £5 per CD and the proceed of all sales received from today will go directly to the school.

I think all that is left to say is…  Well done children of LPS, you truly are Rock & Roll Legends!

Friends of Loanhead (Parent Council)

The Friends of Loanhead (Parent Council) AGM meeting will take place in the school on Thursday 1st September starting at 7.00pm .   All are welcome to attend.

If you are unable to come along on the night then please feel free to email any items you wish discussed at the meeting to: