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Welcome to the New Term

I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff, parents, carers and children for the encouragement I have received on taking up the post of Acting Head Teacher during Mr Forsyth’s secondment. I am genuinely thrilled and excited at the prospect of working with the whole school community for the benefit of the children in Loanhead Primary School.

Further to the staff list issued last week I am delighted to inform you that Miss J Barbour and Mrs M Rutherford (Classroom Assistant) have also joined us.

Our Primary 1 children have made an encouraging start and appear to be settling into the routine of a full day in school. A special thank you to the Primary 7 Buddies who have really helped the Primary 1 children – they are a real asset to the school and should be acknowledged.

We are in the process of confirming event dates and hope to issue you with this information shortly.

Regards                                                                                                                    E.Waugh