Category Archives: Uncategorized

items that have no relevance to a specific group or subject area.

Nut Allergies

At this of year many children are enjoying lots of lovely Halloween sweet treats.  As we have several pupils within our school who have severe nut allergies, we would be grateful if you could ensure that all snacks and packed lunches sent into school do not contain any products containing nuts (eg. Nutella, chocolate spread, Reese’s Pieces etc).  Your co-operation with this matter is much appreciated.

LPS refurbishment

Please note that a copy of the plans for the school refurbishment will be on display in the reception area.   These will be available to view during the upcoming Parent Appointments.

P1 parents are welcome to come into the school during the parent appointment times (Wendesday 11th 3.30-5.30pm latest, Thursday 12th 6.00- 8.30pm latest ) to view these.

The plans will also be on display at the next parent council meeting taking place on the 23rd at Kilmarnock Academy 7.00-9.00pm and all are welcome to attend this meeting.