Category Archives: Uncategorized
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P4 Sway
P3 Sway
P2b Sway
P2a Sway
P1a Sway
P1b Sway
LPS Harvest Festival
Friends of Loanhead fundraiser – My Childs Art
Pupils recently took part in a fund raising art activity organised by the Friends of Loanhead (FOL). Details of how to view your childs artwork and how to place orders can be found on the flyer sent home in school bags today. FOL have advised that the 10% discount code ‘Loanhead’ can be used on any items ordered over the next two weeks.
- Website: www.mychildsart.co.uk/order
- Login and Password details are on the flyer
Halloween Friday 29th October
Friday 29th October, children may dress up in costumes for Halloween. Please do not sent additional props with the children that they could leave behind in school and be upset if they are forgotten.
The children will be having activities in class and apples will be provided. Multi class discos cannot take place at this time however single class Just Dance sessions will take place. There will be a special spooky menu also served today.
We hope that they children all enjoy this day!