All posts by A. EAyrshire

Remote Learning

We hope everyone enjoyed remote learning and our EAC virtual classroom via Thinglink today. Our live sessions were brilliant and everyone engaged amazingly. We would like to apologise that the Family engagement session didn’t happen due to last minute technical glitches, we’ve managed to rearrange this for the 19th April and look forward to seeing you there.

Tomorrow’s thinglinks are below.

P1 –

P2/3 –

P4/5 –

P6/7 –

Access, like today, for the live sessions is via the link within the Thinglink (for laptops) or by the Vscene App ( for tablets- codes in the Thinglink). The pincode for each stage remains the same, the family session as this is for all pupils doesn’t require a pincode.

if you require any help or would like to share work, please use the forms within the Thinglinks or email:

We hope you have a great holiday when it comes.