All posts by loanhead Admin

the cost of the school day

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) is working with the National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) to reduce the stigma around communication between school and parent/carers regarding child poverty.  They have collaboratively produced a new child poverty survey and would like parents and carers to help by completing this survey by 6th December.  Please click here to take part.

Using the responses received, CPAG and NPFS will produce resources to support schools and parents/carers in having conversations around child poverty where needed.

Reminder: Nut Allergy

As we have several pupils and staff within our school who have severe nut allergies, we would be grateful if you could ensure that all snacks and packed lunches sent into school do not contain any products containing nuts (eg. Nutella, hazelnut chocolate spread, M& M’s, Reese’s Pieces etc).

Exposure to nut contamination can occur when a person handles nuts or nut products as the residual dust/oil can remain on skin for several hours after. Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger such as an nut allergy.

As part of the LPS Community, your co-operation with this matter is much appreciated.